How do I find my PPID number?

How do I find my PPID number?

Educators can find their PPID by going to PDE’s website at (scroll to the bottom of the homepage and click “Act 48 Reporting System” under PDE Online Services).

How do I view my pa teaching certificate?

TIMS Log In Instructions for Educators

  1. Go to
  2. Hover the mouse over “EDUCATORS”
  3. Click “Certification” from the drop down menu.
  4. Click the GREEN “TIMS Educator Online Certification System” box in the middle of the page.
  5. Thoroughly review Help With TIMS self-help options.

What is an educator number?

In your online Profile, you will be assigned an Educator ID number that will appear below your SSN. This is a unique identification number that you can use in place of your SSN when corresponding with our office. You may not make corrections or updates to your name, SSN, date of birth, or gender on your Profile.

What is a PP ID number?

What is the PPID number? PPID (Piece Part Identification) numbers are affixed to specific Dell parts as a means to identify and or track individual components. Dell PPID numbers can be utilized to determine the age and the part number of a particular part if that part may require warranty service by technical support.

What is a PA Secure ID number?

PAsecureID is a unique, permanent, anonymous state-wide student ID assigned to all students upon their first entry into the Commonwealth public school system. A single, unique PAsecureID remains with an individual student throughout their educational career.

What is a professional personnel ID?

A PPID is your Professional Personnel Identification Number. This # is unique to you. The intended purpose of the PPID was to create a secure alternative to use instead of Social Security Numbers for reporting and retrieving Act 48 continuing professional education credits and hours.

How do I get 48 credits in PA?

edWeb is free and you can join at You can track your edWebinar viewing, and take the CE Quiz, on your edWebinar transcript page. You need to enter your PPID number on your edWebinar transcript page. You need to pass the CE Quiz for your hour to be eligible for Act 48 credit.

How do I check my act 48 hours in PA?

How Do I Check My Act 48 Hours? Enter your Pennsylvania Professional ID (PAID) and click Go. Don’t know your PAID? Click View your Pennsylvania Professional ID and be prepared to enter your social security number to access it.

How do I get my free ACT 48 hours in PA?

PDE currently provides free online courses for Pennsylvania-certified educators to earn Act 48 hours through the Standards Aligned SystemOpens In A New Window. Pennsylvania certificate holders must first obtain a free logon, and then click on “My SAS Tools” in the upper right corner of the site.

How do I get a Level 2 teaching certificate in PA?

​How many credits do I need for Level II? Instructional or Educational Specialist applicants must complete 24 semester credits (graduate or undergraduate level) and/or PDE-approved credits taken through a PA Intermediate Unit. These credits must be completed beyond the date of their initial bachelor’s degree.

How many ACT 48 hours do I need in PA?

180 Act 48 hours

Do ACT 48 hours carry over?

The first allows for the carryover of Act 48 hours from one compliance period to another. The second extends every certificate holder’s compliance period by one year. allow for the carryover.

Do teachers have to continue their education?

Teaching is a profession that requires continuous education in order to maintain certification. Every state has their own unique requirements for prospective teachers who would like to earn their license.

How many ACT 48 hours is 3 credits?

90 Act 48 hours

How many hours is a 3 unit class?

A unit represents approximately three hours of work per week. Thus a 3 unit course will probably require 9 hours of work per week, a 5 unit course will require 15 hours per week, and so forth.

How do I reactivate my pa teaching certificate?

An educator who holds an Inactive Pennsylvania certification can reactivate their certificate by: Completing the Act 48 credit requirement – visit our Act 48 FAQ webpage for more information or contact the Act 48 office: [email protected].

What is an instructional 1 certificate PA?

The initial certificate, Instructional I, is also known as a provisional or intern certificate. Depending on the type, it is valid for a specific number of years of service, during which the individual must complete an established set of requirements (e.g. coursework, teaching experience, or an induction program).

Can you teach in PA without certification?

Answer: To be an elementary teacher in Pennsylvania, you must earn a certificate in elementary education through the state. Question: What are the requirements to become a high school teacher in Pennsylvania? Answer: To become a high school teacher in Pennsylvania, you must be granted a secondary education certificate.

How long does it take to get Pa teaching certificate?

New teachers begin at Level I, which is valid for six years of teaching service. At the end of six years, every teacher must complete at least 24 credits of post-baccalaureate coursework and have gone through an induction program set up by their school in order to obtain Level II certification.

How do I transfer my teaching license to Pennsylvania?

Through the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, Pennsylvania allows individuals who have completed a teacher preparation program, or who have already become teachers in other states, to be awarded Pennsylvania teaching certification through reciprocity.

Can I teach high school with an MFA?

Additionally, MFA graduates will need to be certified to teach at public schools, although many states offer expedited, alternative routes toward certification. The shift from higher to secondary education will require planning.

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