
How do I find my property boundaries?

How do I find my property boundaries?

Physical boundaries are identified on the ground and on maps and deeds by using physical features such as fences, walls, ditches, rivers, hedges, etc. Unlike a hypothetical line such features, in actuality, have thickness. In the case of fences, walls and hedges their thickness will change as they grow.

What is the general boundaries rule in land registry?

General Boundary Rule This rule provides that the Title Plan shall be deemed to indicate the general boundaries only, and that the exact line of the boundaries shall be left undetermined. This rule is now governed by section 60 of the Land Registration Act 2002.

How do you know which boundary fence is yours?

Title plans are one of the best ways to see which fence belongs to your property. Title plans may feature a ‘T’ mark showing many of your property’s boundaries, and who is responsible for maintaining them. A T mark on one side of the boundary indicates that the person on that side is responsible for the fence.

How do you find out who is responsible for a boundary?

To determine who is responsible for the boundaries the first place that you need to look is the Title Register or if the property is not registered you will need to check the Title Deeds. These will often set out which boundaries specifically you are required to maintain.

How do I know which boundary is mine?

There is no general rule about whether you are responsible for the boundary fence on the left or right or rear of the property. If your property is registered at the Land Registry you can obtain what is called an ‘office copy’ comprising a title plan and register details.

Can I move my boundary fence?

You can move to get the boundary agreement included in the title plan of your property as well as your neighbour’s property. Boundary fences should be the responsibility of both neighbours.

How much does a boundary survey cost UK?

The application costs £90. You’ll also need to pay the surveyor and the solicitor a fee. If your neighbour agrees with your application, they’ll need to sign the form and the plan as well. If your application is successful, HM Land Registry ( HMLR ) will send you a copy of your updated title plan and register.

Can I take down my Neighbours fence?

The answer to this question relies entirely on who legally owns the offending fence. If it belongs to your neighbour, they are entirely within their rights to do whatever they wish with said fence.

Is there a time limit on boundary disputes?

Boundaries Disputes Many plans in title documents only serve to give an indication of the position of the property as a whole. If all else fails, and you decide to take legal action about the boundary, please note that there is normally a strict time limit of 12 years within which action can be taken.

What are the 4 types of boundary disputes?

From disputes regarding the placement of fences and outbuildings to disputes regarding access rights, boundary disputes can take a variety of different forms….

  • Lot Line Disputes.
  • Fence, Landscaping, and Outbuilding Disputes.
  • Access Disputes.
  • Adverse Possession Claims.

When your neighbor encroaches on your property?

If, indeed, it seems the structure is encroaching your land, try and talk to your neighbor first. If an actual dispute exists, your next step should be to hire a surveyor to prepare a boundary survey or both properties — at a cost of several hundred dollars or more per lot — to draw up a new survey of the land.

How do you resolve boundary issues?

Getting professional help with a boundary dispute

  1. Negotiate directly with the neighbour to achieve a settlement of the dispute that has arisen; or.
  2. Agree with the neighbour to enter into a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and in the present conundrum I would recommend Mediation; or.

Can my Neighbour build on the boundary line?

The short answer is “yes, subject to serving a valid notice and following the processes set out in The Party Wall Act. The party wall act only applies to “structures” (ie: a wall with a foundation), it does not apply to timber fences or other screens.

How do I dispute a property boundary?

If you know where the boundary is and you don’t need to follow the process for party walls, the best approach is to talk to your neighbour. Talk to them face to face if you can – make a note of what you agreed. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to them, write to them or ask someone to contact them for you.

Can my Neighbour build on the boundary wall?

There is no right to build astride the boundary if your neighbour objects. You must also inform the adjoining owner if you plan to build a wall wholly on your own land, but up against the boundary line.

Can my Neighbour remove a boundary hedge?

Can I remove my boundary hedge? You are allowed to trim or maintain your side of the hedge to the boundary in this instance as long as that doesn’t kill the hedge, but it is considered to be shared property, so you’ll need to come to an agreement with your neighbour in order to remove it legally.

How far from Boundary can you build?

The side boundary setback (existing boundaries with adjoining properties only), except for a wall built to the boundary, is a minimum of: 1.5m for a wall up to 4.5m high. 2m for a wall up to 7.5m high.

How close can I build to my Neighbours boundary UK?

If you are planning on building an extension of more than one story you cannot go beyond the boundary at the rear by more than 3 meters. This only applies when there is no other property on the land to the rear of your your home. The side boundaries can be built up to but you may need to factor in other considerations.

What can I do about my Neighbours overgrown garden?

If a neighbour’s hedge, brambles or tree are causing problems on your side of the boundary, you are entitled to prune or remove anything that encroaches onto your side of the boundary, although by law you should offer any clippings back to your neighbours.

Can my Neighbour access my property?

Accordingly, there is a legal right that allows this under the Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992. Generally, if you go onto to your neighbours land without their permission, you are trespassing. However, if you wish to repair your home, you may go onto your neighbours land without getting their permission.

How close can you build to a neighbor’s property line?

The primary structure might have to be 10 feet off the side line and secondary or outbuildings can be within 5 feet. Some areas have restrictions on how close your drive can be to the property line where other’s don’t care. Most areas don’t restrict the proximity of the fence to your line.

Can I lean things against my Neighbours wall?

Only if your neighbour gives you permission to do so. Leaning things against your neighbour’s fence, hanging things on your neighbour’s fence, even using your neighbour’s fence as a makeshift retaining wall, will place a much heavier burden on the fence panels and supporting posts than they were designed to bear.

Does right of way mean ownership?

In legal terms, the “easement” is the right to use the property, while the “right of way” is the portion of your property affected by the easement. Right-of-way easements are typically written into the deed of a property, meaning all future owners of the land are bound by them.

Can I block a right of way?

A Any substantial interference with a right of way is a nuisance in common law. The owner of the right (known as the “dominant” owner) can apply to court for an injunction and damages if the landowner (or “servient” owner) blocks it.

What happens if you block a right of way?

Failing to comply with an injunction usually results in contempt of court proceedings which themselves result in a fine or imprisonment. If your right of way has been deliberately blocked then injunctive proceedings need to be considered.

What does right of way mean in property?

Right of way is “the legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route through grounds or property belonging to another”, or “a path or thoroughfare subject to such a right”.

Can you fence off an easement?

Yes, you can build on a property easement, even a utility easement. The dominant estate owning the easement may need to access the easement. Anything, from a house addition down to fences, shrubs, and children’s playsets might need to be removed in this event.

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