How do I know if my AC is R12 or R134a?

How do I know if my AC is R12 or R134a?

Start your car, turn the ac on, pop your hood, look and listen. If it is R12 the caps on the charge fittings will be about the size of the valve stem cap on your tires. If it was R134 then the fitting cap would be between the size of a dime or a nickel.

How do I convert R12 AC to R134a?

How to Convert an R12 to the R134a System

  1. Discard any R12 refrigerant still in the system by taking your vehicle to a licensed air-conditioning professional.
  2. Open the engine compartment of your vehicle.
  3. Push the high side retrofit R134a fitting over the old fitting and use a wrench to tighten it.

Can I use R134a in a R12 system?

R134a systems operate at higher discharge-side pressures than R12, which can cause compressor seals to leak. Bottom line, R134a simply doesn’t cool as well as R12. The advantage of ester oil is that it works with both R12 as well as R134a, so you can fill the system with it and then use either refrigerant.

What happens when you mix R12 and R134a?

R134a systems work at higher discharge-side pressures than R12 systems, which could lead to compressor seals leaks. Additionally, since R134a is composed of much smaller molecules, it has a greater chance of leaking from an R12 system.

Can R12 and R22 be mixed?

R12 and R22 do mix. R12 and R22 are both now banned by the EPA in the United States. Mixing R22 with R407C or any other refrigerant. …

Why is R12 so expensive?

Why is r12 so expensive? Because the U.S. government has placed restrictions on how much refrigerant can be produced, suppliers can only sell a certain amount per day. This can cause the price of the refrigerant to skyrocket during the summer when more people need refrigerant.

Can you still use R12 refrigerant?

Due to this, as per the Montreal Protocol, R12 has to be phased out completely by the year 2021. It is very difficult to find alternative replacements for such a widely used refrigerant, however, a few of the viable replacements to R12 have been found.

What can I use in place of R12?

There are three replacement refrigerant options for R12 systems: R134a, R401a, R401b. R134a is regarded, by manufacturers and adherents to the Montreal Protocols alike, as the best replacement refrigerant.

What is the best replacement for R12 refrigerant?

The best replacement for R12 is considered to be R-134a. The chemical name of R134a is tetrafluoroethane and it chemical formula is CF3CH2F. It is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and has zero ozone depletion causing potential and very low greenhouse effect.

Why did they get rid of R12?

In conclusion folks R-12 Freon was banned due to the damage that it caused to the Ozone layer. The Chlorine found in CFC refrigerants like R-12 would not break down in the atmosphere when vented or leaked. The Chlorine would then erode the Ozone bit by bit.

How much is r12 refrigerant worth?

“Freon” is a commonly known brand of refrigerant, though it is not a descriptive or generic term. Companies have quoted prices ranging from $35 to $175 per pound for R-22….How much does r12 cost?

List Price: $6.67
You Save: $2.53 (38%)

Is R 12 toxic?

Dichlorodifluoromethane (alias of R 12 (refrigerant)) A) Freons are very toxic when inhaled in high concentrations and/or for extended periods. At lower concentrations or brief exposure, freons may cause transient eye, nose, and throat irritation.

Does R22 contain chlorine?

Freon (R22) Refrigerant and its Replacement Freon is DuPont’s commercial name for R22, a member of the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) organic compounds that contains carbon, chlorine, hydrogen and fluorine. These CFCs and mainly R22 have been or are still widely used as refrigerants in air conditioning systems.

Can R22 be replaced with R134a?

Using R134a in Systems Designed for R22 If you have a home or auto air conditioner designed to work with R22 refrigerant, and the system needs a recharge, a number of issues prevent the direct substitution of R134a. R134a has a lower thermal conductivity than R22, so an R134a system needs a larger heat exchanger.

What freon can I mix with R22?

Mixing R22 with R407C

  • Mixing R22 with R407C or any other refrigerant.
  • According to the 609 EPA rule, mixing refrigerants is illegal and anybody caught doing so will be heavily fined.

What happens if you use the wrong refrigerant?

When using these types of propane refrigerants it is possible that they could combust when putting them in units where they are not designed. This can cause great bodily harm, property damage, and in a severe case even death.

How do you put Freon in a 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix?

How to Add Freon to a 1999 Grand Prix 3800

  1. Obtain a r134a recharge kit.
  2. Identify the location of the low pressure service port.
  3. Start the car, roll the windows down, and turn the A/C to max.
  4. Use a temperature gauge to determine the temperature coming out of the center vent.

How much freon does a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix take?


Year Model Refrigerant
2004 All Engines 37.00
1998-2003 All Engines 36.00

Where do you put Freon in a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix?

You can find this near the firewall on the passenger side. It is on the line coming out of the compressor. It has a blue or black cap marked LOW on it. Take the cap off of the Low Pressure Side and put it in a safe place.

How do you recharge the AC on a 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix?

Connect up, and loosen a fitting to allow the system to push the air out of the line. Close up the fitting to seal things back off. Block the butterfly so that the engine is running about 2000 rpm. Engage the A/C compressor and fill until the low-side pressure is about 35-40 psi.

How do you put Freon in a 2002 Oldsmobile Alero?

How to Recharge an Alero’s Air-Conditioning

  1. Park your Alero in a safe location.
  2. Open the hood of your Alero.
  3. Prepare your air-conditioning recharge kit.
  4. Attach the opposite end of the recharge hose to the appropriate air-conditioning service port.
  5. Turn on your vehicle.
  6. Set the refrigerant can upright.

How much is 134a in a R12 system?

Charge with 134a between 70-80% of the original R12 charge amount. Note: Hot gas valve will need to be adjusted during the charging process to properly adjust the low side by-pass pressure to 20psi.

How much refrigerant does a car need?

While the standard auto air conditioning system needs about three pounds of liquid Freon, the amount does vary, so check with your manufacturer or have your mechanic check.

Can you still recharge R12?

No you can not recharge an AC system equipped with R-12 unless you are a licensed technician. You can convert your AC system to R-134 yourself, once the R-12 is dealt with correctly.

Is it legal to sell R12 refrigerant?

Is it legal for me to sell? Yes, you can still sell R-12 and other CFC refrigerants. Although these refrigerants can no longer be manufactured, it is perfectly legal to sell to an EPA certified buyer.

Is R12 refrigerant still available?

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