
How do I make an OC backstory?

How do I make an OC backstory?

Here are some tips to help you write compelling backstories:

  1. Build a timeline of your character’s life events.
  2. Make sure backstory details are relevant.
  3. Draw inspiration from real life.
  4. Show, don’t tell.
  5. Don’t overload your first chapter with backstory.

How do you create a character background?

Here are some tips for creating rich background characters:

  1. Let them develop naturally. Don’t worry about creating your secondary characters upfront—it can be overwhelming.
  2. Give them readily identifiable character traits.
  3. Make them oppositional.
  4. Make them useful.
  5. Keep track of them.

What does a backstory mean?

: a story that tells what led up to the main story or plot (as of a film)

How do I create a DND backstory?

5 Steps to Writing a Killer RPG Character Backstory

  1. Step One: Ground Your Character in the Campaign Setting.
  2. Step Two: Imbue Your Character with an Intense Desire.
  3. Step Three: Dig Deep into the Source of Their Strengths.
  4. Step Four: Bedevil Your Character with Conflict.
  5. Step Five: Sprinkle in the Normal and Mundane.

Why is a backstory important?

Backstory has two main jobs to fulfill in your story: (1) to reveal important information about the main characters, and (2) to help depict a fully realized story world. A character’s backstory comprises all the data of his history, revealing how he became who he is, and why he acts as he does and thinks as he thinks.

Does every character need a backstory?

First and foremost, every character requires a backstory in your mind. Once you have that backstory, you can decide how much of it will be revealed to the reader, at what point of the story, and whether directly or indirectly.

How do you write a sad character?

3 Tips for Writing Heavy Emotional Scenes

  1. Reader Emotions and Character Emotions Don’t Have to Match.
  2. Tip #1: Use a Less Deep Point-of-View for Uncomfortably Heavy Scenes.
  3. Tip #2: Emotional Doesn’t Mean Melodramatic.
  4. Tip #3: Don’t Skip Scenes that Are Part of a Character’s Emotional Journey.
  5. Bonus Tip: Don’t Force a Disconnect between the Reader and the Story.

How do you write broken characters?

Include some of the character’s back-story in your first draft of the character, even if you will remove it or just make glancing references to it in your final draft. That is, let your character tell us why they are broken in sufficient detail that you begin to feel it.

How do you write a tough character?

How to Write Strong Characters

  1. Give your characters something to care about. This is the easiest one, but I often see stories where characters do things for no apparent reason.
  2. Create a threat. This doubles up as a way to create a plot when you don’t have one.
  3. Give them a unique skill.
  4. Make them flawed.
  5. Make them grow.

How do you write a terminally ill character?

Here are 7 pointers to keep in mind when writing chronically ill characters:

  1. Give some thought to the illness your character has.
  2. Try not to kill off your character.
  3. Remember that chronic illness does not have to be the point of your story.
  4. Find the middle ground between angelic and spoiled.
  5. Do your homework.

How do you make a sad character die?

Read on and you’ll be making those readers weep/cheer/gasp in no time!

  1. Make the reader care about the character.
  2. Make the reader despise the character.
  3. Show the death’s effect on other characters.
  4. Avoid over-dramatisation and clichés.
  5. Don’t rely on shock value.
  6. Try not to make a death predictable.

How do you write grief?

Here are 5 ways to use grief more effectively in fiction

  1. Make Them Care. When starting to write your book about a character’s loss, you may be tempted to dive right into their grief on page one, thinking that this is your inciting incident…
  2. Avoid Isolation.
  3. Forward Momentum.
  4. Outlets for Grief.
  5. A Satisfying End.

How do you express grief on death in writing?


  1. “We are so sorry for your loss.”
  2. “I’m going to miss her, too.”
  3. “I hope you feel surrounded by much love.”
  4. “Sharing in your sadness as you remember Dan.”
  5. “Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs.
  6. “With deepest sympathy as you remember Robert.”
  7. “I was saddened to hear that your grandfather passed away.
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