
How do I upload an assignment to GitHub?

How do I upload an assignment to GitHub?

Assignment Submissions via GitHub

  1. Logged into GitHub, find your way to the activity files, and fork that repository.
  2. Now you will want to create a clone of your forked activity files repository on your computer, through which you will do your work.

How do I submit a coursera assignment to GitHub?

Submit Coursera assignment via github

  1. Open your second assignment page in Cousera.
  2. It will redirect you to github website.
  3. Click on “fork” button reside at top-right side of page.
  4. Once it installed, Log in with your github email and password.
  5. “Clone” your web repository on local machine by selecting “CLONE” tab.
  6. After cloning it will look like.

How do you get motivated for something you don’t want to do?

For example, you could choose to do something because it will:

  1. Lower your anxiety.
  2. Benefit someone who you care about.
  3. Lead to financial gain.
  4. Avoid a negative consequence.
  5. Make you feel good about yourself.
  6. Clear your mind.
  7. Align with your values.
  8. Reduce stress.

How do you end a task with ADHD?

Try these tips for working with ADD/ADHD:

  1. Avoid Multitasking. Staying focused and on task is necessary in order to get work completed.
  2. One Thing at a Time.
  3. Manageable Chunks.
  4. Use a Timer.
  5. Use Visual Reminders.
  6. Connect With Positive Coworkers.
  7. Hand-Held Fidgets.
  8. Paraphrase Instructions.

How do I start my ADHD task?

These six steps will make getting started easier:

  1. know the value for you in doing the task.
  2. make sure you know how to do the task.
  3. prepare to start before diving in.
  4. use a warm-up routine to make the transition to starting easier.
  5. enlist support.
  6. use helpful self-talk.

What is it called when you never finish anything?

Loading when this answer was accepted… quitter (noun): a person who gives up easily or does not have the courage or determination to finish a task. ‘This is not a game for wimps, quitters or the easily bruised: there will be no quick fixes. ‘

How do you finish what you start?

Here are my 10 best tips on how to finish the projects you start:

  1. Be selective in what you embark on.
  2. Estimate the resources you need.
  3. Budget your time and energy accordingly.
  4. Quit being a perfectionist.
  5. Commit to it.
  6. Connect with your end vision.
  7. Follow the path of highest enjoyment.
  8. Track your progress.

How do you end your goals?

Here are five goal setting tips that I have used which will help you to join the 8 percent of people who achieve their goals.

  1. Aim High, But Start Low, Celebrate and Keep Going.
  2. Don’t Let Others Set The Goals For You.
  3. Be Clear What Success Looks Look.
  4. Understand Why This Goal Is Important.
  5. Track Your Performance.

How do you motivate yourself to finish a project?

How to Motivate Yourself to Finish Big Tasks

  1. Set a Deadline. Deadlines can be extremely useful when trying to motivate yourself to finish big tasks.
  2. Break It Up. If a task or project seems too big or overwhelming, break it up so you can complete it over time.
  3. Choose a Reward. Adults can still thrive with a rewards system.
  4. Change Up Your Environment.
  5. Just Get Started.

How do I get motivated to do chores?

How to get motivated to do the housework…

  1. Clear the clutter.
  2. Create a cleaning routine.
  3. Start with the easiest task first.
  4. Tackle one room at a time.
  5. Give everything a proper home.
  6. Set the timer.
  7. Have a housework playlist.
  8. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks.
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