
How do I use elaborate in a sentence?

How do I use elaborate in a sentence?

  1. It was all an elaborate pretence.
  2. It turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
  3. This elaborate deception fooled his family for ages.
  4. The plans looked very elaborate.
  5. She had prepared a very elaborate meal.
  6. You understand the situation; I needn’t elaborate any further.
  7. It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes.

What’s a sentence for elaborate?

Examples of elaborate in a Sentence I see now that her behavior was all part of an elaborate plan. The dancers were wearing elaborate costumes. He told the story in elaborate detail.

How do you explain elaborate?

Use the adjective elaborate when you want to describe how something is very detailed or especially complicated, like a devilish prank planned out weeks in advance. The adjective elaborate is used to describe when something is planned with a lot of attention to detail or when something is intricate or detailed itself.

What means elaboration?

adding details

What are the synonyms for elaborate?


  • complex,
  • complicated,
  • detailed,
  • fancy,
  • intricate,
  • involved,
  • sophisticated.

What is another name for elaborate?

Elaborate Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for elaborate?

complex complicated
detailed intricate
involved convoluted
sophisticated thorough
painstaking particularisedUK

What is another word for elaborate?

SYNONYMS FOR elaborate 1 perfected, painstaking. 3 refine, improve. 7 refine, improve.

What part of speech is elaborate?


part of speech: adjective
related words: dwell
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: ih lae b r eIt
inflections: elaborates, elaborating, elaborated

Whats the opposite of elaborate?

What is the opposite of elaborate?

simple plain
straightforward unaffected
unassuming uncomplicated
unelaborate unpresumptuous
chaste easy

What intricate means?

1 : having many complexly interrelating parts or elements : complicated intricate machinery an intricate plot. 2 : difficult to resolve or analyze.

What is another word for explain?

Some common synonyms of explain are elucidate, explicate, expound, and interpret.

What is word explain?

explain, expound, explicate, elucidate, interpret mean to make something clear or understandable. explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known. explain the rules expound implies a careful often elaborate explanation.

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