How do philosophy and history influence the development of a curriculum?

How do philosophy and history influence the development of a curriculum?

Answer. Philosophy is a branch of knowledge devoted to the examination of basic concepts (e.g. truth, existence and reality). This discipline contributes an integral part to the development of the curriculum; it is the foundation in which decisions and scrutinies are made.

How do history and society influence the development of a curriculum?

Basically, the society and its culture affect the curriculum itself. According to Albert Einstein, “All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.” Therefore, the curriculum is carved through the needs of the society.

How do philosophies and theories influence education curriculum?

Philosophy probably has more influence on curriculum access and development in that it provides educationists, teachers and curriculum makers with framework for planning implementation and evaluating curriculum in school. Progressivism – The curriculum is focused on students’ interest human problems and affairs.

How does psychology influence the curriculum?

Psychology provides information about the teaching and learning process. It also seeks answers as to how a curriculum be organized in order to achieve students’ learning at the optimum level, and as to what amount of information they can absorb in learning the various contents of the curriculum.

Why is psychology as a discipline important in curriculum development?

Educational Psychology as a discipline advances principles of teaching and learning that influence teacher-student behavior within the context of the curriculum. This is because psychology is the unifying element in the learning process. The quality of this interaction determines the amount and type of learning.

Why does a curriculum developer must have knowledge about psychology?

Psychology provides information about the teaching and learning process. It also seeks answers as to how a curriculum will be organized to achieve students’ learning at the optimum level and what amount of information they can absorb in learning the various contents of the curriculum.

What are the main determinants of curriculum?

Sociological determinants of curriculum Core values and needs of the Indian society Changing values of the people. Demands of the modern society Good family, ways of life. Democrat ic temper of the society Faiths, beliefs and the attitudes of the people.

What is the role of a teacher in curriculum implementation?

With their knowledge , experience and competencies teachers are central to any curriculum improvement effort, they are responsible for introducing the curriculum in the classroom and outside the classroom as well. In order to create strong curriculum teachers must play an integral role in every step of the process.

What is the important factor of curriculum?

There are various factors that influence Curriculum Implementation like the learners, resource materials and facilities, the teacher, the school environment, culture and ideology, instructional supervision and assessment.

What is the relationship between education culture and curriculum?

Culture is an important factor in curriculum planning and drives the content of every curriculum. This is because the essence of education is to transmit the cultural heritage of a society to the younger generation of the society. Curriculum is a veritable tool for attaining the educational goals of a nation.

Who said that curriculum consists of four elements?

Albert Oliver (1977): curriculum is “the educational program of the school” and divided into four basic elements: 1) program of studies, 2) program of experiences, 3) program of service, 4) hidden curriculum.

What is the meaning and nature of curriculum?

Accordingly, a curriculum is the instructional and the educative programme by following which the pupils achieve their goals, ideals and aspirations of life. It is curriculum through which the general aims of a school education receive concrete expression.

What is the meaning and importance of curriculum?

A curriculum refers to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfill in order to pass a certain level of education. It gives a reason why such learning is considered necessary and what educational aims it would serve.

What is the meaning and definition of curriculum?

Curriculum is the outline of concepts to be taught to students to help them meet the content standards. Curriculum is what is taught in a given course or subject. Curriculum refers to an interactive system of instruction and learning with specific goals, contents, strategies, measurement, and resources.

What is the meaning and scope of curriculum?

The scope refers to the areas of development addressed by the curriculum. The sequence includes plans and materials for learning experiences to support and extend children’s learning at various levels of development.

What is the impact of curriculum design in teaching and learning?

Curriculum Design in the Classroom Teachers ensure that learning experiences are meaningful and relevant. Teachers understand the progression of learning in order to make effective decisions, bridge transitions, scaffold and support each student toward success.

What are the three important component of curriculum?

Regardless of definition or approach, curriculum can be organized into three major components: objectives, content or subject matter, and learning experiences.

What do you mean by curriculum in education?

Curriculum is a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills. Curriculum is the central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, so that every student has access to rigorous academic experiences.

What is the purpose of hidden curriculum?

The hidden-curriculum concept is based on the recognition that students absorb lessons in school that may or may not be part of the formal course of study—for example, how they should interact with peers, teachers, and other adults; how they should perceive different races, groups, or classes of people; or what ideas …

What are the 5 types of curriculum?

The five basic types of curriculum are Traditional, Thematic, Programmed, Classical, and Technological. The most used curriculum can be found within these broader categories.

What are the features of a curriculum?

Characteristics of a good curriculum

  • What are the Characteristics of a Good Curriculum?
  • The Curriculum is continuously evolving.
  • The Curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
  • The Curriculum is democratically conceived.
  • The Curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
  • The Curriculum is a complex of details.

What are the six features of curriculum?

Quality Education requires Quality Teachers

  • 1.An Engaging Personality and Teaching Style.
  • Effective discipline skills.
  • Good classroom management skills.
  • Passion for teaching.
  • Knowledge of subject matter.

What is an effective curriculum?

In our view, an effective curriculum increases students’ understanding about the world around them and prepares them to live in the 21st century. It enlarges students’ experience and sharpens their awareness.

What are the basic principles of curriculum development?

5.  The fourth principle is that there are many particular experiences that can be used to attain the same objectives.  The fifth principle stresses the fact that the same learning experience will usually bring about several outcomes.

What are the 5 basic principles of curriculum content?

VILLACERAN. According to Palma in 1992, in organizing the learning contents, the curriculum organizer must take into consideration the principles on balance, articulation, sequence, integration, continuity.

What are the four principles of curriculum?


  • THE PRINCIPLE OF CHILD CENTEREDNESS  Child learn from experience and activities.
  • ACTIVITY PRINCIPLES  Curriculum must be full of activities.
  • Recommended.

What are the four main principles of the curriculum framework?

To give you a basic understand of the four principles, we have attempted to explain them below:

  • A Unique Child. At the Red House we focus on how children develop; we recognise they are all different, but should be treated equally.
  • Positive Relationships.
  • Enabling Environments.
  • Learning and Development.

What are the 7 principles of the CFE?

This planning should demonstrate the principles for curriculum design ; challenge and enjoyment; breadth; progression; depth; personalisation and choice; coherence; relevance. experiences and outcomes in ways that meet the needs of all learners, but also provides reassurance about consistency where necessary.

Which principle you feel is most important while developing curriculum?

(k) The principle of availability of time and other resources. Curriculum is the means to realize the outcomes of the educational objectives of the school. Implementation of the curriculum is equally important as curriculum construction. While developing curriculum experts should also keep its implementation in mind.

What are the 7 stages of curriculum development?


  • (1) Identify Issue/Problem/Need.
  • (2) Form Curriculum Development Team.
  • (3) Conduct Needs Assessment and Analysis.
  • (4) State Intended Outcomes.
  • (5) Select Content.
  • (6) Design Experiential Methods.
  • (7) Produce Curriculum Product.
  • (8) Test and Revise Curriculum.

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