How do you abbreviate comments?
What is the abbreviation for Comment?
- YCT — Your Comment To.
- CMT — Comment.
- FYC — For Your Comment.
- CMNT — Comment.
- W/C — With Comment.
- CMTS — Comments.
- ACS — And or Comments.
- C — Comment.
How do you shorten excluding?
excl. written abbreviation for excluding: not including: Dinner costs £40 for two excl.
How do you shorten words together?
What is the abbreviation for Together?
- 2GETHER — together.
- TOG — Together.
- 2GETHA — together.
- 2GEDER — Together.
- ITT — In This Together.
- 2GETR — Together.
- 2GE4 — Together.
- 2GTHA — Together.
Why is there a need to shorten some words?
Zipf’s idea was that people would tend to shorten words they used often, to save time in writing and speaking. This is because shorter words, carrying less information, would be scattered through the speech, essentially “smoothing out” the information density and delivering the important information at a steady rate.
What does it mean when you shorten words?
Shorten, abbreviate, abridge, curtail mean to make shorter or briefer. Shorten is a general word meaning to make less in extent or duration: to shorten a dress, a prisoner’s sentence. To abbreviate is to make shorter by omission or contraction: to abbreviate a word.
How do you shorten words in English?
Here are three different ways to write abbreviations.
- Shorten a Long Word by Writing Down the Beginning of that Word. You can abbreviate a long word by writing the first part of the word.
- Omit the Vowels of a Word.
- Write Just the First Letter and the Last Letter of a Monosyllabic Word.
Are short forms formal?
Most shortened forms of words are not acceptable in your formal writing. There are two main types of shortened words: contractions and abbreviations. You need to know about these when you are writing so that you can proof read your writing for correct usage.
What is it called when you use initials for words?
An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter (or first few letters) of each word in a phrase or title. The newly combined letters create a new word that becomes a part of everyday language. Using shortened forms of words or phrases can speed up communication.
What LOVE stands for in letters?
Listen, Observe, Visualize, Express. LOVE. Living out Various Emotions. LOVE. Lots of Violent Emotions.
Is LOL an acronym or initialism?
Coleman (2012) notes ‘LOL’, which is an initialism created from the phrase ‘laughing out loud’, as being a good example of a slang initialism. It can either be an abbreviation or an acronym, depending on whether you choose to spell the word out or pronouncing it like words typically are pronounced (Coleman, 2012: 39).
What is DBE stand for?
Definition of a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations.
What is DVE military?
The DVE system consists of a Display Control Module (DCM), Sensor Module (SM), and interfacing manual and Electronic Pan and Tilt Modules (PTM and EPTM). This system is typically utilized in tactical military vehicles, providing marked improvements over the previously existing systems.
Who is a DVE?
Driver, Vehicle, Environment. DVE. Digital Video Editor.
What does DVE stand for in politics?
DVE. Domestic Violence Extremist. showing only Military and Government definitions (show all 22 definitions)
What does Gr mean on a street sign?
Collection and usage attributes
Street Type | Abbreviation |
Green | Grn |
Grove | Gr |
Highway | Hwy |
Junction | Jnc |
What is a DVE law enforcement?
DVE (plural DVEs) (US, law enforcement) Abbreviation of domestic violent extremist.
What is a 1 87 police code?
What does police code 87 mean? Police code 87 means Abortion.
What does the 1 * Police symbol mean?
There is no organization, 1* means quite literally: One *** To Risk (Asterisk) The background of the symbol is usually black with a thin blue line diagonally across the shield, and it means that you have One *** To Risk, For the Thin Blue Line.”