How do you add fillers to an essay?

How do you add fillers to an essay?

How to Increase Your Essay Word Count

  1. Add Examples. Skim through your essay looking for any place you have used an example to make a point.
  2. Address Different Viewpoints.
  3. Clarify Statements.
  4. Find Additional Sources.
  5. Use Quotations.
  6. Rework Introduction and Conclusion.
  7. Page Count.

What is a filler sentence?

A sentence filler are interjectory words or phrases used in sentences to take up space. A sentence filler is unnecessary because it adds baggage to clear, simple sentences.

What are filler words examples?

“A filler word is an apparently meaningless word, phrase, or sound that marks a pause or hesitation in speech. Also known as a pause filler or hesitation form. Some of the common filler words in English are um, uh, er, ah, like, okay, right, and you know.

What is a good sentence to start an essay?

Checklist: Essay introduction

  • My first sentence is engaging and relevant.
  • I have introduced the topic with necessary background information.
  • I have defined any important terms.
  • My thesis statement clearly presents my main point or argument.
  • Everything in the introduction is relevant to the main body of the essay.

What is supporting sentence in a paragraph?

The supporting sentences, also called the body of the paragraph, are used to support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic sentence.

What is a supporting statement in an essay?

In essays, the body typically consists of a series of supporting statements that are designed to explain “why” you’re expressing a particular opinion. Reasons are typically drawn from both facts and opinions tied together by sound logic.

Is 11 sentences too long for a paragraph?

A paragraph should consist of six to seven sentences. No, it should be no longer than three sentences long.

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