How do you calculate the voltage after a resistor?

How do you calculate the voltage after a resistor?

  1. Ohm’s Law states that V=I*R, where V is voltage, I is current and R is resistance.
  2. In a series circuit, the voltage drop across each resistor will be directly proportional to the size of the resistor.
  3. In a parallel circuit, the voltage drop across each resistor will be the same as the power source.

Why do resistors drop voltage?

As electrons pass through a resistance, they lose energy as they interact with electrons in the conducting material. As energy is given up to the material, it gains thermal energy so its temperature rises. The moving electrons lose potential energy and hence there is a drop in voltage.

How do you reduce 12 volts to 9 volts?

To reduce a 12V circuit to 9V, place two resistors in series within the circuit. Find the difference between the two voltages (12V – 9V = 3V) to determine the total amount of resistance needed.

Can you have high voltage low current?

The power line has fairly low resistivity, so the total resistance is low, and so low voltage drop and low resistance yield low current, in accordance to Ohm’s law. In this way, it’s totally fine to have high voltage values and low current in power lines.

Is High Voltage worse than high current?

Higher voltage allows for the production of higher, more dangerous currents. Resistance opposes current, making high resistance a good protective measure against shock. Any voltage above 30 is generally considered to be capable of delivering dangerous shock currents.

What is the difference between high voltage and high current?

Current and Voltage are two different but related aspects of electricity. Voltage is the electrical potential difference between two points while current is the flow of electric charge across a certain element. It is easier to describe voltage by comparing it to water. …

Is 11KV High Voltage?

Cable Specification: 11KV (Medium Voltage), 22KV (Medium Voltage), 33KV (High Voltage) manufactured to BS7835. Medium Voltage Cable- 11KV and 22KV is suitable for various installations such as providing connections to the grid or, installing wind farms and large generator systems back to the substation.

Why DC current is not harmful?

The argument in favour of DC current This effect is similar to an electric doorbell supplied with DC current. Hence, it is believed that the DC current shock is more dangerous. Whereas, in the case of AC current, the person experiencing the electric shock can pull their hand back as the current goes to zero.

Why do we convert DC to AC?

AC power works well at high voltages, and can be “stepped up” in voltage by a transformer more easily than direct current can. The sensitive electronic circuits in these devices need low, regulated voltages to work, so you’re actually converting DC to AC so it can be changed back into DC again.

Why is AC used over DC?

The major advantage that AC electricity has over DC electricity is that AC voltages can be readily transformed to higher or lower voltage levels, while it is difficult to do that with DC voltages. Since high voltages are more efficient for sending electricity great distances, AC electricity has an advantage over DC.

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