How do you call your fairy godmother?

How do you call your fairy godmother?

Call The Fairy Godmother (916) 778-8867 or fill out the contact form below to email the Fairy Godmother

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What is the role of fairy godmother?

In fairy tales, a fairy godmother (French: fée marraine) is a fairy with magical powers who acts as a mentor or parent to someone, in the role that an actual godparent was expected to play in many societies.

Does fairy godmother have a name?

In the movies, the fairy godmother’s daughter’s name is Jane.

Who is Timmy Turner real parents?

Mr. and Mrs. Turner

Are Timmy Turner’s parents bad parents?

Eventually, after Timmy’s wish backfired on him and nearly destroyed the Make-Up Factory, he apologizes to his parents and says they are good parents. This saddened the Hunter greatly and he left since Timmy’s parents were no longer considered bad parents.

Is Timmy Turner depressed?

On the case of Timmy Turner, he has none whatsoever. That makes his life the saddest, and made him that depressed to the point that he learned to improvise his own defense mechanism against society – which is the ‘fairy godparents”, Cosmo and Wanda.

Are Cosmo and Wanda antidepressants?

Cosmo and Wanda Are Actually Antidepressants Plus, not only did they start showing up at the same time as his problems, but there are some serious side effects every time he abuses their “magic.”

Are Cosmo and Wanda Timmy’s real parents?

Cosmo and Wanda are Fairy Godparents of Timmy Turner. They later become actual parents with Poof in Season 6, who is considered Timmy’s godbrother.

Why is Dinkleberg hated?

Mr. Sheldon Dinkleberg is a neighbor of the Turner family whom Mr. Turner despises as a running gag, despite his nice demeanor. Turner’s resentment is rooted in jealousy over the financial success Dinkleberg has experienced not having to raise a son.

Do Timmy’s parents love him?

Godparent family Timmy loves his Godparents more than his real parents because they always neglect him sometimes. Timmy’s love and friendship for his godparent family goes very deep as no magic could erase the bond he shares with them, shown in Timmy’s Secret Wish.

Does Vicky have a crush on Timmy?

Vicky is not considered to be emotional, but she has shown some occasional positive feelings and has even been nice to Timmy based on her own will: She has shown some love during her time with Ricky (The Odd Couple), her ex-boyfriend who dated her only for her money and broke up with her for someone richer.

Who did Timmy Turner have a crush on?


Whats Timmy Turners dads name?

Mr. Turner

Edd Robert Turner
[[File: |200px]]
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birthday: April 9, 1960 (Officially) April 9, 1975 (For the show)

What’s Timmy’s mom’s name?

Laurel Sally Turner

What is a Smoof?

“Smoof” is likely a parody of hemp, a material made from the cannabis plant (which the marijuana-drug is made from). Birkenbake being a hippie and his deeming it one of the best naturally occurring substances on Earth, it can be inferred that this show is referencing hemp for the older viewers.

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