How do you cancel HTML code?

How do you cancel HTML code?

Type “—” followed by “>” (no quotes and no spaces) at the end of the block of text you want to hide. This closed comment tag ensures that the HTML code between the open comment tag and this point will be hidden when viewed with an Internet browser.

How do you strike out text in HTML?

To mark strikethrough text in HTML, use the <strike>… strike> tag. It renders a strikethrough text.

How do I gray out code in HTML?

  1. You can hide it through the use of an HTML tag.
  2. Launch your HTML editor.
  3. Locate the text within the HTML document you want to hide.
  4. Type “<” followed by “!
  5. Type “—” followed by “>” (no quotes and no spaces) at the end of the block of text you want to hide.
  6. Save your HTML document.

How do I gray out code?

To comment out multiple code lines right-click and select Source > Add Block Comment. ( CTRL+SHIFT+/ ) To uncomment multiple code lines right-click and select Source > Remove Block Comment. ( CTRL+SHIFT+\ )

How do you block out code?

Press Ctrl + /

  1. Select the required block of code.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + / The beginning (/*) and ending (*/) characters will be added in the appropriate places in order to mark the selected block as a comment.

How do you uncomment code?

Ctrl+K+U will uncomment the code. When you’re going through your code and you want to examine the code in the method you’re calling, many programmers will use the F12 key or the pop-up menu option Go To Definition.

How do you uncomment multiple lines in VS code?

It is ctrl-shift-C to comment and ctrl-shift-alt-C to uncomment.

What is commented code?

Filters. (programming) To temporarily disable a section of source code by converting it into a comment. verb. To disable lines of code in a program by surrounding them with comment-start and comment-stop characters.

Should you remove commented out code?

Removing commented code not only makes it harder to find later, but it also makes it so people in the future don’t know it existed before. For finding the code, there are tools and git commands to help you look at the history of a file.

Does commented code affect performance?

As to compiled languages, the answer is no. Comments don’t affect the resulting machine code in any way.

What does commented out mean in coding?

To comment out is to render a block of code inert by turning it into a comment. “Comment out” means to use comment syntax to remove something from the parsed code.

What is uncommented code?

Answer 4f19dacd1f1e32000101cb9d 2 votes. Comments in code are lines that the compiler ignores, anything after “//“ on a line is considered a comment. They are primarily there to supply additional information to make the code easier to read for humans.

What is the definition of commented?

: to make a comment on. intransitive verb. : to explain or interpret something by comment commenting on recent developments commented on the poem’s symbolism.

Can I comment in JSON?

JSON does not support comments. It was also never intended to be used for configuration files where comments would be needed. Hjson is a configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments.

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