How do you cancel recordings on Comcast DVR?

How do you cancel recordings on Comcast DVR?

Cancel a Recording

  1. Select Saved from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Scheduled.
  3. Select a scheduled recording to cancel.
  4. Select Record Options, then Cancel.

How do I delete all my DVR recordings?

To delete all or multiple episodes of a Smart Recording:

  1. Press on the remote control, and select DVR from the menu.
  2. On the DVR menu at the bottom of the screen, select Current.
  3. Select the show you want to delete, and press del on the remote control.
  4. Select the appropriate option, and press ok.

Why can’t I delete a recording on my DVR?

If you have a recording that will not delete, please review the following steps to resolve the issue: On your remote, press CABLE then the MENU button twice. Select the DVR MENU then choose DVR CLEANUP. Check the program to delete and click DELETE on the left.

Why does my DVR stop recording?

By the time the signal arrives at your home, if a show ends right at the top (or bottom) of the hour and your DVR clock doesn’t account for that delay (which most don’t) then it will stop recording too soon.

How can I extend my DVR recording?


  1. Press the GUIDE button on your remote control.
  2. Locate the program you want to record.
  3. Press the RECORD button.
  4. Press the INFO button on your remote control.
  5. Select Record Options, press OK.
  6. Go to STOP RECORDING, press OK.

How long does a 1TB hard drive last?

The simplest answer is that they can run smoothly for three to five years. This means any HDD, whether it’s external or inside of a system.

Do hard drives last forever?

Generally speaking, you can rely on your hard drive for three to five years on average. They found that 90% of hard drives survive for three years and 80% for four years. But this number varied across brands. Western Digital and Hitachi hard drives lasted much longer than Seagate’s in Backblaze’s study.

What is the lifespan of a SSD?

around 10 years

How do you know when your SSD is failing?

One of the first signs of SSD failure from bad blocks is if your computer takes a very long time when attempting to retrieve or save a file. Frequent errors are another sign of bad blocks. If you suspect a bad block in the process of attempting to save something, you’re probably OK.

Do SSDs get slower over time?

The benchmarks are clear: Solid-state drives slow down as you fill them up. Fill your solid-state drive to near-capacity and its write performance will decrease dramatically. The reason why lies in the way SSDs and NAND Flash storage work.

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