How do you cite a class handout?
Class handout quoting another source Last Name of Author of quoted source, First Name. “Title of work from a published collection. (e.g. poem or article).” Title of Publication (book or periodical). “Title of Handout.” Title of course, (Name of instructor,) Date of handout, Name of school.
How do you cite class notes in Chicago style?
If you are citing a class lecture, include your professor’s name, title of the lecture in quotation marks, the course number and name and the location and date.
How do I cite a PDF handout?
Subject code: Title of subject; Title of handout [Format]. Publisher. Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date). Subject code: Title of subject: Title of handout [Format].
How do I cite an online handout?
With author information: (Date of publication). Title of the handout [Class Handout]. Name of Department, Name of School, City, Province.
How do you cite a factsheet?
Include the description “[Fact sheet]” in square brackets after the title of the fact sheet. When the multiple layers of government agencies are credited (as in the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry example), provide the most specific agency in the author element of the reference.
How do you cite Shakespeare in a paper?
If writing about one play, use the author’s last name in the parenthetical citation. However, if writing a paper that refers to more than one work, use the play’s title. For example: If one were to write a paper on Othello in which he or she quoted only that play, Shakespeare would be used in the citation.
How do you quote Shakespeare examples?
When citing Shakespeare plays, list the ACT, SCENE, and LINES in parenthetical citations (page numbers are NOT included), separated by periods. Enclose the citation in parentheses. For example: (Macbeth 1.3.
How do you quote a block quote in Shakespeare?
Set verse quotations of more than three lines as block quotations: start a new line and set each line one inch in from the left margin, adding no quotation marks not appearing in the original. If the quotation starts in the middle of a line of verse, reproduce it that way, don’t shift it to the left margin.