How do you cite a Food Inc documentary?

How do you cite a Food Inc documentary?

Citation Data Food, Inc. [Los Angeles, CA] :Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2009.

How do you cite a documentary?

Use the following structure to cite a documentary in MLA 9: Documentary title. Directed by First name Last name, performance by First name Last name, Production Company, Year published. Title of Site, Database, or Service where movie was streamed from (if applicable), URL.

How do you internally cite a documentary?

Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a documentary in MLA style 8th edition: Contributor(s) name, label. Title of the documentary. by Contributor(s) name, Publishing studio, Year of publication.

What is the main message of Food Inc?

One of the major themes in Food, Inc. is the hidden costs of cheap food. It argues that mass-produced, “engineered,” low-price foods come with health, social, and environmental costs. On the health costs, the point is raised through the stories of two families.

What is wrong with Food Inc?

According to the growing ranks of organic farmers, “slow food” activists and concerned consumers cited in the new documentary Food, Inc., the answer is “plenty.” As recounted in this sweeping, shockingly informative documentary, sick animals, environmental degradation, tainted and unhealthy food and obesity, diabetes …

What are some ways we can make changes to the food industry Food Inc?

12 things you can do to change how food is produced in the US

  • Vote with your money.
  • Buy in season.
  • Buy organic.
  • Know what’s in your food.
  • Read labels.
  • Buy foods that are grown locally.
  • Shop at farmers markets.
  • Make sure your farmers market takes food stamps.

What are three ways an individual can help to change the issues presented in Food Inc?

More Ways to Take Action

  • Find organic, local foods. Find locally grown produce, Community Supported Agriculture programs, and even great organic restaurants with the Eat Well Guide.
  • Factory Farming.
  • Pesticides.
  • Environmental Impact.

What is the root cause of food insecurity?

Part of what makes food insecurity so difficult to solve is that the underlying causes — poverty, unemployment/under-employment, and inconsistent access to enough healthy food — are often deeply interconnected.

How true is Food Inc?

While the film primarily attacks large multinational agricultural and food corporations, the less-than-accurate information and assumptions upon which the film is based attempt to negatively affect the viewers’ perceptions of the food system, including many modern farming practices.

Who is the largest purchaser of potatoes?


Who funded the production cost of food Inc?

The entire movie (yes it’s a movie, not a documentary) was funded by the organic food industry. Rumor has it the folks behind this film did not want to listen to anyone with a different viewpoint than their own.

What percentage of land on Earth is used for the production of food?

At present some 11 percent (1.5 billion ha) of the globe’s land surface (13.4 billion ha) is used in crop production (arable land and land under permanent crops). This area represents slightly over a third (36 percent) of the land estimated to be to some degree suitable for crop production.

Where is the richest soil in the United States?

Soil scientists say the glaciers left prime farmland through much of Illinois north of Interstate 70, which cuts through the south-central part of the state. They say the richest soil is in a swath that runs east from around Springfield to the Indiana border.

Which state has the most fertile soil in the US?

Crudely Iowa is usually referred to as the most fertile as a flat state with 40+ inches of rich black topsoil (healthy) and convenient rainfall patterns and quantities.

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