How do you cite a military document in APA?

How do you cite a military document in APA?

In APA 7th edition style, materials published by the military will typically be cited as government reports using the following format: Author (year). Title of Document. (Publication Number).

How do you cite a law in APA?

Here are the basic elements of an APA Style reference for a regulation drawn from the Code of Federal Regulations.

  1. Name of the regulation. Start the reference with the name of the regulation if the regulation is commonly identified by its name.
  2. Title number.
  3. Abbreviated name of the source.
  4. Section number.
  5. Date.

How do you cite the Uniform Code of Military Justice?

APA citation style: (1958) United States Code: Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. §§ 801-940 . [Periodical] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

How do you cite military doctrine?

Government / Military Document N: Department, Title of Directive in Title Case and Italics, document identification number (Place of Publication: Publisher = Department, year), DOI or URL. S: Department, Title of Directive in Title Case and Italics. B: Department. Title of Directive in Title Case and Italics.

How do you cite an executive order in APA?

Here’s the basic format for an executive order reference: Exec. Order No. xxxxx, 3 C.F.R….Reference Format

  1. Order number.
  2. Volume number and name of the code in which the order appears (e.g., executive orders always in appear in 3 C.F.R.)
  3. Page number.
  4. Year that the order was promulgated.

How do you cite a working paper?

What to include in the reference:

  1. Author(s) (surname, initials) or organisation/institution.
  2. (Year of publication)
  3. Title.
  4. Working paper series and/or number (if available)
  5. Place of publication: Publisher (if available)

How do you cite a working paper in APA format?

Author, initials. (year). Title of the working paper (Series Title and number – if there is one). Place of publication: Publisher.

Can you reference a working paper?

Working Papers are not refereed. Working Papers may be cited without seeking prior permission from the author. The proper form for citing Working Papers in this series is: Author (year).

How do you write et al in an email?

The expression et al., which is always followed by a period, stands for “and others.” So the greetings above would mean: Dear John and others, Hello, Kimia and others. Sorry, Doug.

Is et al capitalized?

“et al.” stands for “et alia”. It does NOT have a period after “et” and DOES have one after “al”. Interword spaces: “TeX assumes a period ends a sentence unless it follows an uppercase letter.” (Lamport p. 14) So, put a \_ (where _ means “space”) in a sentence like Smith et al.

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