How do you cite a paper with multiple authors?

How do you cite a paper with multiple authors?

For the in-text citation for a book with eight or more authors, include the first author and then ‘et al. ‘. Include the first six authors’ names, then insert three ellipsis points and add the last author name in the Reference List.

What is the publication name?

A human readable textual identifier of the publication. (

Where is the title of publication?

The book’s title, publisher, and place of publication should appear on the “title page” of the book, usually one of the first few pages. See example below. The date of publication may also be here, or on the copyright page, usually the next page of the book.

What is official publication?

An official publication is any item produced by reprographic or any other method, issued by an organisation that is an official body, and available to an audience wider than that body. An official publication is defined by the status of the issuing source regardless of the subject-matter, content or physical form.

Is a newspaper a publication?

A newspaper is a publication containing news and information and advertising, usually printed on low-cost paper called newsprint. It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly.

Why are publications important?

Publications can also be regarded as an asset that enables authors to gain recognition and acknowledgement as experts in a particular field at national and international levels. Publication in peer-reviewed journals also gives international recognition for an individual, department, university, and institutions.

Why do scholars publish their research?

By publishing, scholars allow readers to view, comment, and build upon their work, all of which are necessary steps to further knowledge. Publishing also increases the scholar’s standing in his or her respective field which is important for funding and employment.

Why do authors publicly identify their contributions to research?

Editors should require authors and those acknowledged to identify their contributions to the work and make this information available to readers. The ultimate reason for identification of authors and other contributors is to establish accountability for and transparency surrounding the reported work.

What is research publication?

Academic publishing is the subfield of publishing which distributes academic research and scholarship. Most academic work is published in academic journal articles, books or thesis’ form. Peer review quality and selectivity standards vary greatly from journal to journal, publisher to publisher, and field to field.

What is the difference between publication and article?

Key Differences Between Article and Journal An article is a written composition on a topic of interest, which forms a separate part of a book, magazine or newspaper. On the other hand, Journal is a type of magazine which contains articles and other descriptions on a particular discipline or professional activities.

What is Article publication?

An article is a written work published in a print or electronic medium. It may be for the purpose of propagating news, research results, academic analysis, or debate.

Is a journal article a primary source?

In the fields commonly considered sciences, a primary source is the first report of research, published as a journal article, a research report or conference proceeding, or if extensive, a book or book chapter. They include methodology, data and results, and discussion.

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