
How do you cite numbers in APA?

How do you cite numbers in APA?

In general, APA style recommends using words to express numbers below 10, and using numerals when expressing numbers 10 and above.

How do you cite numbers in words?

Place your cursor to where the reference is to be inserted, then click “Insert” -> “Reference” -> “Cross-reference”. In the dialog box, select “Numbered item”, “Paragraph number”, then the reference you want to insert, click “Insert”. This inserts the reference into the text.

How do you cite numbers in a paper?

Number your citations

  1. Arrange the sources you cite alphabetically and then number them; or.
  2. Number the citations consecutively according to the first mention of each source in the text (using the same number for subsequent references to the same source).

How do you reference small numbers?

Create the small numbers in Word for referencing a footnote by clicking the “Superscript” icon, which is an x with a little number, and then type the number you want to use. Making the actual footnote is more difficult. Open the “Footer” section under “Insert” to go to the footer of the page.

How would you reference the text Avenue in this code?

How would you reference the text ‘avenue’ in the code shown? let roadTypes = [‘street’, ‘road’, ‘avenue’, ‘circle’]; roadTypes.

How often should you use in text citations?

1. When do I need to provide a citation? You should provide an in-text citation whenever you quote, paraphrase or summarize research and ideas that are not your own.

Can in-text citations be in the middle of a sentence?

A reference or citation can be positioned at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. Following are the examples for both APA 7th and APA 6th referencing style. When multiple studies support what you have to say, you can also include mid-sentence in-text citations.

How do I edit text in EndNote citation?


  1. Open your EndNote library and your Word document.
  2. Select the formatted citation to be edited by moving the cursor to it.
  3. In Word’s EndNote ribbon, click the “Edit & Manage Citation(s)” button. Alternatively, right-click and choose “Edit Citation(s)”
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