How do you cite social media in APA 7th edition?

How do you cite social media in APA 7th edition?

Name of Group [username]. Username. (n.d.). (year, Month date).

How do you cite Facebook in APA 7th edition?

How to cite a Facebook page in APA

  1. Author(s) of the Facebook page: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to 20 authors with the last name preceded by an ampersand (&).
  2. Title of the Facebook page: Give the italicized page title, e.g. Timeline, Home, About.

How do you cite a working paper in APA 7th edition?

Author, initials. (year). Title of the working paper (Series Title and number – if there is one). Place of publication: Publisher.

Can I cite a working paper?

Working Papers may be cited without seeking prior permission from the author. Posting a paper on this site does not preclude simultaneous or subsequent publication elsewhere, including other Working Papers series. The copyright of a Working Paper is held by the author or by his or her assignee: see Copyright Statement.

How do you reference a working paper in Harvard style?

To be made up of:

  1. Author of paper.
  2. Year of publication (in round brackets).
  3. Title of paper (in single quotation marks).
  4. Title of conference: subtitle (in italics).
  5. Location and date of conference.
  6. Place of publication: publisher.
  7. Page references for the paper.

How do you cite social media apa?


  1. First, provide either an individual author’s real last name and initials in inverted format (Author, A. A.) or the full name of a group.
  2. Second, provide social media identity information.
  3. The author reflects who posted the content, not necessarily who created it.

How do you cite an app in APA 7?

Add a period after the author.

  1. Date: (2019). Next, add the date.
  2. Title & Subtitle of the Mobile App: Lexicomp (Version 5.02) [Mobile app]. Next, add the title of the app.
  3. Source Information: Google Play Store.
  4. More Information:

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