How do you compliment a dance performance?

How do you compliment a dance performance?

Best Compliments for New Dancer

  1. You looked good.
  2. Keep it up and in no time you will outshine others.
  3. Dance is a passion.
  4. I wish you all the best for your efforts.
  5. That was pretty neat for a beginner.
  6. You have great energy and you match well with the rhythms.
  7. It is amazing to see such huge potential in you.

How would you describe a dance?

Dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself.

How do you describe a dance in words?

Here are some adjectives for dance: intricate and ceremonial, expressively erotic, truly intricate, rude all-night, complex ritual, earlier ritual, agile aerial, slow mindless, distant carnival, secret, independent, final, graceful, furious and most revolting, reliable and eternal, great heart-to-heart, pyrrhic or …

What are nice words to describe?


  • acceptable.
  • dandy.
  • delicious.
  • delightful.
  • enjoyable.
  • fair.
  • fine.
  • gratifying.

What is another name for dance?

Synonyms of dance

  • ball,
  • cotillion.
  • (also cotillon),
  • formal,
  • hop,
  • prom.

What is slang for dancing?

‘Boogie’, ‘Shimmy’, ‘Fandango’, and 5 More Words from Dance | Merriam-Webster.

What word rhymes with dancing?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
Lansing 100 Name
prancing 100 Verb, Noun
entrancing 100 Adjective
lancing 100 Noun, Verb

What is a professional dancer called?

1. professional dancer – a performer who dances professionally. dancer, terpsichorean. ballet dancer – a trained dancer who is a member of a ballet company. ballet master – a man who directs and teaches and rehearses dancers for a ballet company.

What makes someone a professional dancer?

Professional dancers are paid to convey artistry through movement. They usually have expertise in a particular type of dance, such as jazz, ballet, modern, ballroom, or tap. They may perform on stage, in movies, on television, in music videos, at theme parks, on cruise ships, and more.

What skills do you need to be a professional dancer?


  • Athleticism. Successful dancers must have excellent balance, physical strength, and physical dexterity, so they can move their bodies without falling or losing their sense of rhythm.
  • Creativity.
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Persistence.
  • Physical stamina.
  • Teamwork.

Who is the highest paid dancer?

Who are the 5 richest Ballet Dancers?

  • Nina Ananiashvili – $30,000 per performance. Nina Ananiashvili is a Georgian ballerina and the current artistic director of the State Ballet of Georgia.
  • Sylvie Guillem – $850,000 + per year.
  • Benjamin Millepied – $900,000 net worth.
  • Rudolf Nureyev – $7.9 Million*
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov – $45 Million.

What are the six characteristics of a good dance?

The use of different gradations of energy to perform a movement is often described as adding dynamic quality to movement. Specifically, in dance we identify six dynamic qualities: sustained, percussive, swinging, suspended, collapsed, and vibratory.

What are performance skills in dance?

Performance skills are those aspects that set dancing apart from mechanical movement. Often, our attention is drawn to the dancer who is using a range of performance skills effectively, because they stand out from the rest.

Is dancing a talent or skill?

Dance is both a skill and a talent. We cannot weigh it on either side. There are people who just wanted to dance, joined a team, worked hard and mastered the skill. And there are people who will not take any classes but can still perform any dance just by watching someone.

What are the 5 components of dance?

Here we detail the five elements that all forms of dance and creative movement have in common: body, action, space, time and energy. Being able to identify and understand these core characteristics can help you when talking about a dance performance or can help you get your own messages across through movement.

What are physical skills?

There are 10 recognized general physical skills. They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills.

What are examples of physical skills?

10 General Physical Skills

  • Endurance. Endurance is your body’s ability to take up, process and deliver oxygen to your working muscles.
  • Stamina. Stamina is like endurance but with a twist.
  • Strength. Simply put, strength is the application of force.
  • Flexibility.
  • Power.
  • Speed.
  • Coordination.
  • Agility.

What are examples of physical abilities?

Physical Abilities

  • Dynamic strength. The ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously for a period of time.
  • Trunk strength.
  • Static strength.
  • Explosive strength.
  • Extent flexibility.
  • Dynamic flexibility.
  • Gross body coordination.
  • Equilibrium.

What are examples of creative skills?

Examples of creative thinking skills include: problem solving, writing, visual art, communication skills, and open-mindedness. Top areas for creative hiring in 2019 will be: web and mobile development, web production, user interface and interaction design, creative development, and visual design.

What are creative skills?

Creativity is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination to generate new ideas. If you are creative, you look at things from a unique perspective. You can find patterns and make connections to find opportunities.

What are creative tools?

Here are all creative tools in alphabetic order: Brainstorming: the classic creative method for groups. Braindrawing: Good for reticent groups. Brainmapping: Combining brainwriting and mind-mapping. Brainwriting: Group doodling for non-verbal stimulation.

How do you describe a creative person?

Qualities of a Creative Person

  • Challenge Status Quo.
  • Avoid Assumptions.
  • Are naturally curious.
  • Always explore all possibilities.
  • Have vivid imagination.
  • Think of the future.
  • Don’t believe in an ultimate idea.
  • Never think anything impossible.

What are the 5 traits of a creative person?

These are among the five main traits of a creative person according to Munir and you might be surprised that you have all the five:

  • They are risk takers. Creative thinkers are risk takers.
  • They have the dare to fail attitude.
  • They are willing to be different.
  • They are impulsive, fickle and change their mind quite often.

What are the 8 creative types?

There are eight types of creatives: the Artist, the Thinker, the Adventurer, the Maker, the Producer, the Dreamer, the Innovator, and the Visionary.

What are some words for creative?

Synonyms & Antonyms of creative

  • clever,
  • imaginative,
  • ingenious,
  • innovational,
  • innovative,
  • innovatory,
  • inventive,
  • original,

What is creativity in one word?

the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.

How do you describe creativity?

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

What do you call a creative space?

Everybody should have a space where they can be as creative as they wish, or messy, or crafty, or simply relaxed. Here are some ‘atelier’ spaces for many different types of creatives, proving that they don’t always have to be messy…

What makes a creative space?

“In a creative work space, anything that creates joy or reminds you of what you love belongs there,” she says. “Favorite colors or textiles, photos from a happy family vacation or objects that bring back special memories. These help inspire.”

What is creative office?

By definition, a creative office space is any office that falls outside of a traditional layout (plenty of private offices on the perimeter and cubicles). It is a thoughtfully designed space that invokes creativity, flexibility, and collaboration.

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