How do you create a table of contents template in Word?

How do you create a table of contents template in Word?

Create the table of contents

  1. Click where you want to insert the table of contents – usually near the beginning of a document.
  2. Click References > Table of Contents and then choose an Automatic Table of Contents style from the list.

How do you create a table in SQL?


  1. CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype,
  2. Example. CREATE TABLE Persons ( PersonID int, LastName varchar(255),
  3. CREATE TABLE new_table_name AS. SELECT column1, column2,… FROM existing_table_name. WHERE ….;
  4. Example. CREATE TABLE TestTable AS. SELECT customername, contactname.

How do you create a temp table?

There are two methods of creating temporary tables. The simplest way of creating a temporary table is by using an INTO statement within a SELECT query. Let’s create a temporary table that contains the name, age, and gender of all the male student records from the student table.

How do I insert a table from another table in SQL?

The SQL INSERT INTO SELECT Statement The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table. The INSERT INTO SELECT statement requires that the data types in source and target tables matches. Note: The existing records in the target table are unaffected.

How do you insert data into a primary key in a table?

SET IDENTITY_INSERT Student ON; INSERT INTO Student VALUES(‘1′,’joedio’,’newyark’,GETDATE()); SET IDENTITY_INSERT Student OFF; If you wants that SQL manage it self then default it set to IDENTITY_INSERT OFF and Auto increment is set, means on every insert the new value is assigned to that PK column.

How do you insert data into a temp table?


  1. — Create Local temporary table.
  2. Create Table #myTable (id Int , Name nvarchar(20))
  3. –Insert data into Temporary Tables.
  4. Insert into #myTable Values (1,’Saurabh’);
  5. Insert into #myTable Values (2,’Darshan’);
  6. Insert into #myTable Values (3,’Smiten’);
  7. — Select Data from the Temporary Tables.
  8. Select * from #myTable.

How do I create a temp table in SQL?

The Syntax to create a Temporary Table is given below:

  1. To Create Temporary Table: CREATE TABLE #EmpDetails (id INT, name VARCHAR(25))
  2. To Insert Values Into Temporary Table: INSERT INTO #EmpDetails VALUES (01, ‘Lalit’), (02, ‘Atharva’)
  3. To Select Values from Temporary Table: SELECT * FROM #EmpDetails.
  4. Result: id. name. Lalit.

How do you add to a temp table without creating it?

Inserting Data into Temporary Table without Creating its…

  1. select * INTO #TEMPTABLE from DataMasterView.
  2. select * from #TEMPTABLE.
  3. drop table #TEMPTABLE.

Can we create foreign key in temp table?

One of the restrictions on a foreign key relationship is that you cannot delete a row from a key table that is depended upon by your temp table. Could be because you can’t have cross-database foreign key constraints and temp tables technically are created in the TempDB database.

What is difference between CTE and temp table?

Temp Tables are physically created in the tempdb database. These tables act as the normal table and also can have constraints, an index like normal tables. CTE is a named temporary result set which is used to manipulate the complex sub-queries data. This exists for the scope of a statement.

How do you add multiple Selectments to a temp table?

5 Answers. The SELECT INTO statement can also be used to create a new, empty table using the schema of another select * into tablename from .. here tablename table should not exist. insert into #temp select..

How do I insert multiple rows into a temp table in SQL?

If you want to insert more rows than that, you should consider using multiple INSERT statements, BULK INSERT or a derived table. Note that this INSERT multiple rows syntax is only supported in SQL Server 2008 or later. To insert multiple rows returned from a SELECT statement, you use the INSERT INTO SELECT statement.

Are CTEs faster than temp tables?

If you are joining multiple tables with millions of rows of records in each, CTE will perform significantly worse than temporary tables. Temp tables are always on disk – so as long as your CTE can be held in memory, it would most likely be faster (like a table variable, too).

Are CTEs faster than subqueries?

As for your question. The performance of CTEs and subqueries should, in theory, be the same since both provide the same information to the query optimizer. One difference is that a CTE used more than once could be easily identified and calculated once. The results could then be stored and read multiple times.

What is magic table in SQL?

Magic Tables are invisible tables or virtual tables. You can see them only with the help Triggers in SQL Server. Magic Tables are those tables which allow you to hold inserted, deleted and updated values during insert, delete and update DML operations on a table in SQL Server.

Which triggers are used for virtual tables?

A common use of Magic tables in SQL Server is the DML (Data Manipulation Language) trigger. SQL Server DML trigger allows using these two virtual tables INSERTED and DELETED.

What are the tables in SQL?

Tables are database objects that contain all the data in a database. In tables, data is logically organized in a row-and-column format similar to a spreadsheet. Each row represents a unique record, and each column represents a field in the record.

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