How do you create an easy chair account?

How do you create an easy chair account?

To create an EasyChair account you should have a valid email address and do the following.

  1. pass a captcha to prove that you are not a robot;
  2. fill out a simple form with your personal information;
  3. follow the link we send to your email address to complete the account creation.

How do you submit paper to easy chair?

How to submit a paper in EasyChair?

  1. How to submit a paper in EasyChair?
  2. Write the following url, click in Signup:
  4. You should write the user name and password:
  5. Navigate to the T&D LA 2018 EasyChair system, at.
  6. Select one or more topics related to your paper.
  7. Please contact us, if you require further assistance or check the FAQs on.

Is easy chair free?

Currently, EasyChair supports four different kinds of licenses for individual conferences: free, professional, executive and group license. When your conference is installed, it will be automatically given the free license.

What is EasyChair account?

EasyChair is a free web-based conference management software system used, among other tasks, to organise paper submission and review. EasyChair is widely used, since 2002, in the scientific community, with reportedly more than two and a half million users in 2019.

How do I assign a paper to reviewers on Easychair?

How to review a paper? (for track chair and PC member)

  1. Move mouse over “Reviews” menu on top of the screen, and select “My papers”.
  2. All papers assigned to you will be displayed.
  3. Click on “Add review” link (on the right menu)
  4. Fill in your review information after you read the abstract.
  5. Click on “submit review” button.

How do you make a camera ready paper?

Camera-Ready Paper Submission

  1. STEP ONE: GENERATING THE CAMERA-READY PDF USING PDF-EXPRESS. Access the IEEE PDF eXpress plus site at: FOR FIRST TIME USERS: Click “New Users – Click Here”.

How do I assign a reviewer on EasyChair?

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