How do you describe a city?

How do you describe a city?

A list of useful words for describing cities, towns and countries.

  • ancient – a place that has a long history.
  • beautiful – very pleasing on the eye.
  • boring – dull and not very interesting.
  • bustling – a crowded, busy place.
  • charming – nice, very pleasing.
  • contemporary – modern, very up to date.

How do I write an essay for my city?

When you are asked to write about your TOWN or CITY try to include some of the following points:

  1. name of your town / city.
  2. location.
  3. approximate population.
  4. their main livelihood – office goers, traders, teachers, shopkeepers, etc.
  5. describe the market – availability of goods.

How do you write cities?

When writing a city and state, the state is set off from the rest of the sentence by a pair of commas. If the state comes at the end of the sentence, the second comma is not needed. I was visiting Naples, Florida, last weekend. Last weekend I was visiting Naples, Florida.

Why do we love our hometown?

It will always be there even if you won’t. You may come and go, but your hometown will always be there, right where you left it. It will always be a part of you, and you will always be a part of it.

Which country would you like to visit and why?

The country I would most likely want to visit is: Switzerland. This country is best defined by its natural beauty and geography. Switzerland is surrounded by Germany, Austria, Italy and France, all great destinations. Thus, there is a huge and significant effect of English culture over here.

Where do you live answer in English?

I would say it is a poor or vague question, because ‘where’ only refers most generally to a location. So the answer might be, I live in a castle, or I live at the North Pole or I live in the city. It is better to ask specifically for the information you are seeking.

How do you ask someone about their city?

The same rules apply to asking about the city someone lives in, but please note the change I made above (do you come from, not have you come from, unless you mean “I see you just got off an airplane! What city have you just come from?”). For “living”, you should say: What/which city are you living in.

Where do u put up answer?

2 Answers. “Where do you put up?” is used to mean where are you staying temporarily, but it is more often used with an object: A: Where do you put up visiting relatives?

How do you answer Where do you reside?

This question means “what is your exact address, right now, today?” The answer includes country, state/province, town, street name, building number on street, and apartment number within the building. “Where are you from” means “where did you live, years ago, when you were a child”.

When someone asks where you from what does that mean?

1) “Where are you from?” implies that you want to know what city/state/country they consider “home,” and that you assume it’s someplace other than where you are right now. This may be confusing, since where someone is “from” isn’t necessarily where they live.

Where do you live or where do you stay?

Where “live” is used for long term residence, “stay” normally implies a short term visit. If you ask a visitor “where do you stay” they will probably give you the name of their hotel (while thinking you had made a grammatical mistake).

What’s the difference between stay in and stay at?

If this is a question of “at” vs “in” then the common difference is that “in” implies “inside” and limited to an enclosed space whereas “at” implies a region or some area.

What is the difference between live and stay?

Stay means to remain a specific/specified place, state or position. This is more temporary in nature. Live means being alive or reside in a particular place or a person. This is more permanent in nature.

What classifies as living somewhere?

Resident is defined as living somewhere on a long-term basis or working somewhere in-house.

How long do you have to stay somewhere to live there?

When you feel like a resident and not a visitor. Six month to establish residency in most cases. I’d say one to 6 depends also on what you do you work, have an apartment or house?

How long do you have to stay somewhere to say you lived there?

Some say you live there if you feel like it’s your home. Some say if you’ve made money there. Others say it’s if you’ve stayed there for 30 days, buy a home, register a car or get a drivers license or id card. Others still say it’s 6 months.

How long can you stay somewhere without being classed as living there?

Guests may stay a maximum of 14 days in a six-month period or 7 nights consecutively on the property. Any guest residing at the property for more than 14 days in a six-month period or spending more than 7 nights consecutively will be considered a tenant. This person must be added to the lease agreement.

Can someone live with me without being on the lease?

Yes, someone can live with the tenant without being on the lease. However, it is important to distinguish the difference between a guest and a long-term guest.

Can I call the police to have someone removed from my home?

Unless they are a legitimate resident of the house, usually determined if they receive mail or are on the lease, they can be removed from your property as a “trespasser.” Obviously, involving the police is for the most extreme cases, and even the mentioning of 911 is often enough to finally get someone out the door.

Can I ask someone to leave my property?

Reasonable force If someone trespasses on your property despite due warning the practical remedy is to ask them to leave. If they don’t you are entitled to use no more than reasonable force to eject the trespasser.

Who can enter your home without permission?

Law enforcement and other officials have the right to enter your home in certain circumstances. However, few are allowed to execute a forced entry to someone’s property. Any official seeking entry must have a legitimate reason for entry, produce evidence of identity and leave your property secure after forcible entry.

How do you ask someone to leave your house nicely?

Use humor and be lighthearted about the matter. Keep the focus on you and your need to have an empty house. Don’t say anything that puts the focus on your guest, such as, “You need to leave.” Instead, say something like, “Sorry, folks, this was fun but I’m going to have to kick you out now.”

Can police remove unwanted guests?

Tenants (people who pay rent under a formal or informal lease agreement) are entitled to certain legal protections. However, a police officer has no way of knowing whether your guest is a trespasser or a tenant and may refuse to remove the person, on the chance that you are trying to avoid the eviction process.

How can I stop someone coming to my house?

1 attorney answer If you do not want a person to come onto your property and the person has no legal right to be on your property, you can tell the person to stop coming onto your property. If the person continues to come onto your property after being told not to be there, you call 911 to report a trespasser.

Can you physically remove trespasser?

In most jurisdictions, a landowner must first tell the trespasser to leave or call the police if they fail to do so. “Self-help” methods such as physically removing the trespasser are usually illegal. Detaining a trespasser is frequently illegal as well even if the landowner is doing so only until police arrive.

Can police remove squatters?

Call the police department and tell it you have a trespasser you need removed from your property. The police will remove the squatter from your property by force if necessary. They might not remove the squatter’s possessions, so you could end up having to remove these possessions yourself.

Why is squatting not illegal?

A person is not a squatter if they are living on the premises legally or with permission from the owner. Squatting is always defined as illegal, as it requires trespassing, which disqualifies you from gaining ownership of the property through adverse possession laws.

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