
How do you describe a graph in a lab report?

How do you describe a graph in a lab report?

A graph should be labeled as a Figure, not a Table. The title of the figure should include enough detail that the image could “stand alone” without having to read too much of the paper. Click on the question, to see the answer.

How do you label a graph?

The proper form for a graph title is “y-axis variable vs. x-axis variable.” For example, if you were comparing the the amount of fertilizer to how much a plant grew, the amount of fertilizer would be the independent, or x-axis variable and the growth would be the dependent, or y-axis variable.

How do you write a figure caption on a graph?

Seven Tips for Writing Figure Captions

  1. Use captions instead of titles.
  2. Place captions under figures.
  3. Use a period after figure numbers.
  4. Use sentence-style capitalization.
  5. End captions with a period …
  6. Include a variety of information (if necessary).
  7. Reference all figures in your text.

What is a figure legend on a graph?

Legends or captions explain figures, tables, or images in the manuscript. Legends should satisfy these two primary requirements: Make readers understand the significance of the figure or table. Help interpret the meaning of the underlying results.

How do you write a figure legend on a diagram?

Tips for Writing Outstanding Scientific Figure Legends

  1. Title– The title of a figure legend should describe the figure, clearly and succinctly.
  2. Methods– These methods are meant to be VERY brief and to describe the design of your experiment.
  3. Results– Here, you provide a single sentence on the results shown in the figure.

What is a legend example?

A legend is a traditional story about the past. The main characters are usually kings or heroes. Some examples of well-known legends include the tales of Odysseus from Ancient Greece, Beowulf from the Norse lands and King Arthur from Old England. Like myths, legends were thought to be true.

What is the purpose of a legend?

Function of Legend In literature, the function of a legend is to present the story of human actions in such a way that they are perceived by the audience to be true. Actions are presented as if they have taken place within human history.

What is a legend why is this is called a legend?

Why is this poem called a legend? A ‘legend’ is a popular story from the past which is believed by many but one cannot prove whether it is true or not. It usually contains a message or a moral and is narrated to children.

Can a living person be a legend?

A living legend is a person who is both alive and either famous for doing something extremely well, or extremely famous. The sequence of words, “living legend”, is an English collocation.

What is the theme of the poem A Legend of Northland?

The main theme of the poem ‘The Legend of the Northland’ is the selfishness of the woman to whom Saint Peter had asked for a cake. Every cake that she baked seemed large to her and she was not willing to part with it. It shows the shallowness of the woman and her selfishness.

What exactly is the poem the legend about?

The legend is a story of sad separation, except that once a year the heavens take pity on the young couple and provide a way for them to come together, such as by having a flock of birds serve as a bridge over the river of stars so that they can meet. The poem concludes with its reference to this Asian legend.

Is this a true story which part of this poem is the most important?

Answer: No, this not a true story. It is a legend. I think the most important part of this poem is the one in which Saint Peter turns the old lady into a woodpecker to teach her a lesson.

What does the word Northland signify?

The poet doesn’t specify the exact place. But ‘Northland’ means the area in the northernmost part of the earth i.e., near the North Pole. Further, ‘legend’ refers to a historical story that is very old and has been orally passed from generation to generation.

What does the poet like to do when it rains?

What does the poet like to do when it rains? Answer: When it rains, the poet likes to lie with his head pressed against the pillow of his cottage chamber bed and listen to the sound of the soft rain.

How the tree gets killed in the end?

The tree is finally killed when its roots are uprooted and it scorches and chokes in sunlight and air. This process leads to the browning, hardening, twisting and thereby, withering of the roots.

What does the poet do after lying?

According to the poem, when the poet when he lies on his couch in a blank or thoughtful mood, the beautiful memory of the golden daffodils flashes in his mind. This memory brings him immense happiness and fills his heart with aesthetic pleasure.

Why does the poet love his books?

Answer. Explanation: It is his efforts and hard work which has resulted in the making of that book and it is his creation of his imagination as welll……. So one in all every poet loves his or her book very very very much .

Why does the poet want to go there?

The poet wants to go Innisfree in search of peace. The poet craves for some peace and hence he wants to go to Innisfree. There he wants to make a small cabin and grow beans. He wants to live there alone.

What does a poet expect?

As he will need some food to eat also, so he will grow nine rows of beans near his room. Also, he will get the honey from the honey bee hive. He says that the open space, where he will build his room will be full of the buzzing sound of the bees an over there he will live all alone, in peace and tranquility.

What does the poet hear?

“In the deep heart’s core” he hears, even while standing on the roadways and pavements of an urban center, the sounds of Nature that fill the air at Innisfree. In his memory and imagination, the speaker hears the quiet lapping of small waves along the lakeshore that are a constant sound there.

What does the poet hear when he is in bed?

Answer. When the poet lying on the bed, he or she feel delighted to start living with his head and also pressed against the pillow of his cottage chamber bed. Then he listens to patter of the soft rains and also memory which comes to poet is of his mother and her found look with better ideas of it.

What sound does the poet hear when he stops in the middle of the woods?

What kind of sounds are they? Apart from the sound of his horse’s harness bell, the poet hears the sound of the sweeping wind and falling snow flakes.

How many rows of beans does the poet want to plant?

nine beans rows

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