How do you describe an irregular galaxy?

How do you describe an irregular galaxy?

An irregular galaxy is the catchall name given to any galaxy that does not neatly fit into one of the categories of the Hubble classification scheme. They have no defined shape nor structure and may have formed from collisions, close encounters with other galaxies or violent internal activity.

How do stars move in an irregular galaxy?

The stars then move on elliptical orbits around the center, but are perturbed by local irregularities. In spirals and elliptical, the potential is rather symmetric, whereas in irregulars it is quite… irregular.

What color are irregular galaxies?


What is the most common color of galaxies?

As light from distant galaxies reaches the Earth, the average “color of the universe” (as seen from Earth) tends towards pure white, due to the light coming from the stars when they were much younger and bluer.

Why are some galaxies blue and some yellow?

The various colors in a galaxy (red bulge, blue disks) is due to the types of stars found in those galaxy regions, called its stellar population. Big, massive stars burn their hydrogen fuel, by thermonuclear fusion, extremely fast. Thus, they are bright and hot = blue.

What colors do the Galaxy have?

Why are galaxies the colors that they are, like when we see them through telescopes they are blue, white, red, sometimes purple or a mixture of colors.

What do blue galaxies mean?

Instead, the blue color indicates that they are still busy making stars. Young massive stars burn hotter and therefore bluer. Over time, these bright blue stars use up their fuel and disappear, leaving only the less massive red stars to light up an old galaxy.

What color is space?


What does the shape of a galaxy indicate?

The Milky Way is what’s known as a spiral galaxy, meaning that it looks like a broad, flattened disc with a slight bulge protruding outward at its center. That arrangement is the product of rotation speed, time and gravity.

Why do spiral arms have a blue color?

Why are the arms of spiral galaxies typically blue in color? Stars are forming in the spiral arms so there are high mass, hot, blue stars in the arms. Collisions are much more common in large galaxy clusters. Collisions can build elliptical galaxies that are bigger and bigger.

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