
How do you describe someone who thinks a lot?

How do you describe someone who thinks a lot?

The word you are looking for is “pensive”. The single word philosopher is also used (often in a somewhat sarcastic way) to refer to a contemplative person, or someone who remains silent while others are in a lively or heated discussion: “Your baby is so quiet – he just sits in his chair.” “Yes, he’s a philosopher.”

What does Ruminatively mean?

adjective. If you are ruminative, you are thinking very deeply and carefully about something. [formal] He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative. ruminatively adverb [ADVERB with verb]

Which word is most dissimilar to cogitation?

What is the opposite of cogitation?

disdain disregard
abandon disbelief
injudiciousness uninhibitedness
inconsideration unrestraint
wantonness remissness

How do you use cogitation in a sentence?

(1) After much cogitation , I have decided to resign. (2) After much cogitation he rejected the offer. (3) After much cogitation, we decided to move to the Isle of Wight. (4) After much cogitation , I decide to resign.

What is another word for Encompass?

Encompass Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for encompass?

include contain
cover involve
incorporate comprise
embrace comprehend
embody subsume

How do you use deliberate in a sentence?

Deliberate sentence example

  1. Sure she was thin, but it wasn’t a deliberate condition.
  2. His movements were deliberate as he walked toward her – as if he were measuring every word he was about to say.
  3. The deliberate movements alone took a minute.
  4. It was a calculated, deliberate move to wipe out the wealthy.
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