
How do you describe the results of a graph?

How do you describe the results of a graph?

Describing language of a graph

  1. UP: increase / rise / grow / went up / soar / double / multiply / climb / exceed /
  2. DOWN: decrease / drop / fall / decline / plummet / halve / depreciate / plunge.
  3. UP & DOWN: fluctuate / undulated / dip /
  4. SAME: stable (stabilised) / levelled off / remained constant or steady / consistent.

How do you introduce a graph?

To catch your audience’s attention from the very beginning, you can use the following phrases for introduction:

  1. Let me show you this bar graph…
  2. Let’s turn to this diagram…
  3. I’d like you to look at this map…
  4. If you look at this graph, you will notice…
  5. Let’s have a look at this pie chart…

How do you describe a graph that goes up and down?

Line graphs usually describe trends or changes. With these, it is quite common to use different words to describe increases or decreases. You can also describe the graph staying the same using the verb phrases ‘remain unchanged’ or ‘remain constant’. Small changes up and down are called ‘fluctuations’.

How do you know if a relation is linear?

A linear relationship can also be found in the equation distance = rate x time. Because distance is a positive number (in most cases), this linear relationship would be expressed on the top right quadrant of a graph with an X and Y-axis.

What does a straight line graph indicate?

Straight line graph signifies that the changes in the values of the quantities represented on the graph are proportional to each other, e.g., in simple pendulum, the straight line graph means l is proportional to T2, or l/T2 is constant. Slope of the straight line gives the value of the constant of proportionality.

What is the function of a straight line?

Linear functions are those whose graph is a straight line. A linear function has one independent variable and one dependent variable. The independent variable is x and the dependent variable is y. a is the constant term or the y intercept.

Is a straight line on a graph zero?

The graph of a linear function is a straight line. Graphically, where the line crosses the x -axis, is called a zero, or root. If there is a horizontal line through any point on the y -axis, other than at zero, there are no zeros, since the line will never cross the x -axis.

What are the equations of a straight line?

The general equation of a straight line is y = mx + c, where m is the gradient, and y = c is the value where the line cuts the y-axis. This number c is called the intercept on the y-axis. The equation of a straight line with gradient m and intercept c on the y-axis is y = mx + c.

What is straight line method?

Straight line basis is a method of calculating depreciation and amortization, the process of expensing an asset over a longer period of time than when it was purchased. It is calculated by dividing the difference between an asset’s cost and its expected salvage value by the number of years it is expected to be used.

What are the advantages of straight line method?


  • Simplicity. The straight line method is the simplest method for calculating depreciation.
  • Assets can be written off completely.
  • Total depreciation charge is known.
  • Suitable for small businesses.
  • Useful for assets of lesser value.
  • Pressure on final years.
  • Does not have the provision of replacement.
  • Interest loss.

What is the difference between straight line method and reducing balance method?

The main difference between the reducing balance and straight-line methods of depreciation is that while the reducing balance method charges depreciation as a percentage of an asset’s book value, the straight-line method expenses the same amount each year.

What is the other name of reducing balance method?

The reducing-balance method, also known as the declining-balance method, in the initial years of an asset’s “service.” As with the straight-line method, you apply the same depreciation rate each year to what’s called the “adjusted basis” of your property.

What are the advantages of reducing balance method?

Advantages of Diminishing or Reducing Balance Method:

  • It is a simple and easy method.
  • Every year, there is an equal burden for using the asset.
  • The obsolescence problem gives due care since the major part of the depreciation charges in earlier years and the management may find it easy to replace the asset.

Which depreciation method is mostly used in corporates and why?

Straight-line depreciation is the most simple and commonly used depreciation method. You can calculate straight-line depreciation by subtracting the asset’s salvage value from the original purchase price and then dividing it by the total number of years it is expected to be useful for the company.

What depreciation method is used for vehicles?

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System

What is depreciation example?

In accounting terms, depreciation is defined as the reduction of recorded cost of a fixed asset in a systematic manner until the value of the asset becomes zero or negligible. An example of fixed assets are buildings, furniture, office equipment, machinery etc..

What is the purpose of depreciation?

Depreciation helps to tie the cost of an asset with the benefit of its use over time. In other words, each year, the asset is put to use and generates revenue, the incremental expense associated with using up the asset is also recorded.

Is depreciation an asset or liability?

If you’ve wondered whether depreciation is an asset or a liability on the balance sheet, it’s an asset — specifically, a contra asset account — a negative asset used to reduce the value of other accounts.

What are examples of depreciating assets?

Examples of Depreciating Assets

  • Manufacturing machinery.
  • Vehicles.
  • Office buildings.
  • Buildings you rent out for income (both residential and commercial property)
  • Equipment, including computers.
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