How do you divide a Boston fern?
Here’s how to divide a Boston fern:
- Start with a large, full Boston fern plant.
- Remove plant from its pot.
- Using a pair of garden forks, divide the root ball in half.
- Divide the root ball again into quarters.
- Repot the plants into individual pots or place several in a larger container.
How do you know when to repot a Boston fern?
When to Repot Boston Ferns Don’t wait until the pot is badly root bound. If the potting mix is so root-compacted that water runs straight through the pot, or if the roots are growing in a tangled mass on top of the soil, it’s definitely time to repot the plant.
Can you divide ferns in the fall?
Although ferns can be divided almost any time during the growing season, fall division allows you to create manageable-sized plants to overwinter indoors. Begin by shearing back the fern to about an inch or two from it’s base.
How do you multiply Boston ferns?
Propagation may also be achieved by dividing Boston fern plants. First, allow the fern roots to dry out a bit and then remove the Boston fern from its pot. Using a large serrated knife, slice the fern’s root ball in half, then quarters and finally into eighths.
How do you make Boston ferns bushy?
An ideal time for pruning is during repotting, when plants can be dramatically cut back. In fact, Boston fern responds well to severe pruning, which encourages more prolific, bushy growth and corrects dull, leggy growth. When pruning Boston fern always use clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors.
Do Boston ferns like to be root bound?
Why Some Plants do Better as Root Bound In some cases, like with a Boston fern or African violets, a houseplant does not transplant well and transplanting the root bound plant will be more likely to kill it then help it.
Should I mist my Boston fern?
Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. When you care for Boston fern plants indoors, it’s a good idea to provide additional humidity for them, especially in the winter. You can also try lightly misting your fern once or twice a week to help it get the humidity it needs.
Can Boston ferns take full sun?
Boston ferns are the perfect porch plant, as they thrive in lots of indirect light. Morning sun is ideal, as full afternoon sun can burn the fronds.
How do you bring back a dying Boston fern?
Trim the drooping fronds back to about 2 inches long and leave any healthy upright fronds in the center of the plant intact. If all fronds are drying and dying, trim them all to 2 inches. Clean out the dead leaves and check the soil for offsets — baby ferns — which can be separated and planted in their own pots.
Do ferns grow well in containers?
Growing ferns in containers is easy. They require moist soil, regular watering, and dappled shade. These shade-loving plants can be grown alone or mixed with other plants in various container combinations.
What is the difference between a Kimberly fern and a Boston fern?
Because Kimberly Queen fern has an upright habit, it’s better suited to urns, container gardens and window boxes than hanging baskets; Boston fern is a more traditional pick for beautiful hanging baskets. Like Boston fern and macho fern, you can bring Kimberly Queen fern indoors as a houseplant to save it over winter.