How do you divide the word festival in syllables?

How do you divide the word festival in syllables?

The word Festival is divided in 3 syllables: Fes-ti-val. The tonic syllable falls on the last syllable val. The word Festival is oxytone because the tonic syllable is the last syllable. It does not have graphic accent because it is oxytone and does not end in ‘n’, ‘s’ or vowel.

Is calendar a 3 syllable word?

Home » Syllables » Syllable Counter » How many syllables are in calendar?…Syllables in Calendar.

How many syllables are in calendar: 3
Total number Words: 1

Does the word there have 2 syllables?

Wondering why there is 1 syllable?

How many syllables are in the word calendar?

3 syllables

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How many syllables are in alone?

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What does Syllabicate mean?

: the act, process, or method of forming or dividing words into syllables.

Is Syllabicate a word?

verb (used with object), syl·lab·i·cat·ed, syl·lab·i·cat·ing. to syllabify.

Are fathers two syllables?

Wondering why father is 2 syllables? Contact Us! We’ll explain.

Does strength have 2 syllables?

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Is again 1 or 2 syllables?

Syllables in Again

How many syllables are in again: 2
Divide again into Syllables: a-gain
Total number Words: 1
Characters (all | no spaces | with spaces): 5 | 5 | 5 (Sequential spaces are not counted)
Total # Lines: 1 (Including empty lines)

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Is just a syllable?

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