How do you ensure trustworthiness in qualitative research?

How do you ensure trustworthiness in qualitative research?

Credibility. Triangulation and member checks help establish credibility and contribute to trustworthiness. Other factors include prolonged engagement with and persistent observations of research subjects.

What is the meaning of trustworthiness in research?

Trustworthiness is defined as the believability of the researcher’s findings, i.e. all that the researcher has done in designing, carrying out and reporting the research to make the results credible.

What does trustworthiness mean?

Trustworthiness is the quality of a person or a thing that inspires reliability. If you want a pet known for its trustworthiness, choose a loyal and obedient dog. A person can be known for trustworthiness in keeping promises, and a newspaper can be worthy of trust for correct reporting.

What is an example of trustworthiness?

Warranting trust; reliable. Deserving of trust, reliable. The definition of trustworthy is someone who is honest who can be entrusted with your secrets or with anything else of importance. An example of trustworthy is the person who babysits your kids or who you tell your secrets to.

Why is trustworthiness an important value?

Trustworthiness is one of the most important qualities in life. It is the quality on which all relationships are built. We are designed to be in relationship with others, and being able to TRUST each other means that we can do more together.

How can you show trustworthiness?

Here are Nine tips to help you become a trustworthy person:

  1. Keep your commitment in word and deed. If you say you are going to do something, do it.
  2. Be honest. Even when the outcome will not be in your favor, tell the truth.
  3. Be transparent.
  4. Be on time.
  5. Keep confidences.
  6. Don’t gossip.
  7. Apologize.
  8. Be predictable.

What qualities does a trustworthy person need to have?

Ethics remain important

  • Because trust is based on truth, trustworthy people must be truthful.
  • Trustworthy people are honest.
  • Trustworthy people are reliable; they keep their promises.
  • Trustworthy people are loyal.
  • Trustworthy people are not biased or prejudiced.

How do you tell someone is trustworthy?


  1. reliable. adjective. a reliable person is someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do.
  2. trustworthy. adjective. able to be trusted as being honest, safe, or reliable.
  3. consistent. adjective.
  4. sound. adjective.
  5. secure. adjective.
  6. dependable. adjective.
  7. responsible. adjective.
  8. steady. adjective.

What is trustworthy behavior?

Trustworthy people have consistency in what they say and what they do. They are the same at work, at home, and everywhere else—they don’t pretend to be someone else. Trustworthy people are reliable, responsible, accountable, and resourceful. “Consistency reinforces trust.” 4- Trustworthy people are caring.

How do you build trust with someone?

How to build trust at work

  1. Tell the truth.
  2. Admit when you don’t know something.
  3. Admit when you’re wrong.
  4. If you say you’ll do it, do it.
  5. If you’re meant to do it, do it.
  6. Explain your thought process.
  7. Extend trust to others.
  8. Include others.

Is trustworthy a character trait?

CHARACTER TRAITS. A trustworthy person is someone in whom we can place our trust and rest assured that the trust will not be betrayed. It takes time to build initial feelings of trust and worth and integrity must be constantly proven over time.

What are two synonyms for trustworthy?


  • reliable, dependable, honest, full of integrity, worthy of trust, honourable, upright, principled, true, truthful, as good as one’s word, ethical, virtuous, incorruptible, unimpeachable, above suspicion.
  • responsible, sensible, level-headed.

What makes someone honest?

They Stand Up for Their Beliefs. Honest individuals don’t go looking for fights, but they also aren’t afraid to speak their mind. Honest people will state their opinions even when their beliefs are against the majority.

What is honesty and its importance?

Honesty leads to a fulfilling, free life. Honesty is not just about telling the truth. It’s about being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you want and what you need to live your most authentic life. Honesty sharpens our perception and allows us to observe everything around us with clarity.

Is honesty a skill or quality?

Honesty. Honesty is a great trait for both in the workplace – and out. If a person is honest, they will show more integrity in their role and be helpful to the other staff. Although honesty is generally an inherited trait, you can work on being honest around those in your professional and personal life.

What are examples of honesty?

The definition of honest is someone or something that is truthful, trustworthy or genuine. An example of honest is someone telling their friend that a meal they prepared had too much salt. An example of honest is a student admitting they cheated on a test.

How can we show honesty to others?

Truth Be Told: 13 Ways to Demonstrate Honesty

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  3. Bend over backward to communicate in an open and honest fashion.
  4. Simplify your statements so that everyone clearly understands your message.
  5. Tell it like it is rather than sugarcoating it.
  6. Present both sides of each issue to engender objectivity.

What is a symbol for honest?

The symbols of honesty are the heart, the star, and the pear.

What is a false truth?

a false statement; lie. the act of lying or making false statements. lack of conformity to truth or fact.

How can you tell the truth without hurting your feelings?

How Can You Tell the Truth Without Hurting Anybody’s Feelings?

  1. Make yourself vulnerable. For instance, if you skipped a friend’s open house, don’t pretend you were sick in bed.
  2. Do it early.
  3. Before you speak a hard truth, give them a little warning.
  4. Also, skip the unnecessary details.
  5. This is really important, consider your motive.

How do you not hurt someone you love?

  1. Identify the Behaviors That Hurt Your Loved Ones. You can tell your partner is hurt by your actions, but do you know what you’re doing that causes the pain?
  2. Work on Healing Your Emotional Trauma.
  3. Improve Family Communication.
  4. Protect Intimate Details You Have.
  5. Keep Your Emotions in Check.
  6. Be Empathetic.

How do you communicate when your feelings are hurt?

All of your feelings are OKAY and IMPORTANT!

  1. Figure out what you are feeling.
  2. Label your feelings.
  3. Dig for deeper and more vulnerable emotions.
  4. Figure out why you feel that way.
  5. Pick the best time and place to talk.
  6. Use “I” statements.
  7. Bring solutions.
  8. Tell the other person how making these changes will benefit everyone.

How do you communicate without hurting your feelings?

Here are healthy tips to remember if you want to communicate your feelings in a more peaceful and friendly way:

  1. Be honest about your feelings.
  2. Take responsibility for your feelings.
  3. Communicate what you need without judgment.
  4. Make a specific request.
  5. Keep in mind their feelings and needs too.

How can I communicate with love?

Love Languages: How do you communicate?

  1. Words of affirmation — saying I love you, complimenting or praising your partner.
  2. Quality time – time spent together, even if you’re doing nothing.
  3. Receiving gifts — tokens of appreciation and affection.
  4. Acts of service — doing something for the other person.
  5. Physical touch — hand holding, kissing, sex.

How do emotions affect communication?

Feelings play a big role in communication. If you are emotionally aware, you will communicate better. You will notice the emotions of other people, and how the way they are feeling influences the way they communicate. You will also better understand what others are communicating to you and why.

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