How do you fill out a fingerprint form?

How do you fill out a fingerprint form?

  1. GUIDE FOR COMPLETING YOUR FD-258 CARD. **Do not write on the card until you check with your fingerprinting location.
  2. 1 Name. Last, First, Middle.
  3. 2 Aliases Enter all former names/aliases.
  4. 3 ORI number.
  5. 4 Date of Birth.
  6. 6 Demographic information.
  7. 7 Place of Birth.
  8. 8 Social Security Number.

What is aliases on fingerprint card?

Aliases (AKA) Indicate other names used (i.e., maiden name, nickname and/or alias name[s]).

How do I fill out my FBI fingerprint card?

Enter the date the subject was fingerprinted in month, day, year format (i.e. MM/DD/YYYY). Enter the signature or name of the official taking fingerprints. Also list the official’s ID number if applicable. Enter the subject’s potential employer and address of that employer.

What is an indeterminable race?

I – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Americas and maintaining cultural identification through tribal affiliations or community recognition.

What does OCA mean on fingerprint card?

Originating Case Agency

Where can I get FD 258?

FD 258 Card For An FBI Background Check

  • Visit a PrintScan office location.
  • Get fingerprinted on a live scan machine.
  • The cards are provided to you at the time of your appointment or mailed to you (depending on which location you visited)
  • We send the fingerprint file to the FBI via our approved channeler.

How do I get FD 258 form?

You can request an FD 258 fingerprint card to be mailed to you by contacting the Visa/Immigration Unit at visa- [email protected] or you can get them from your local law enforcement agency. 2. A MONEY ORDER, CERTIFIED, CASHIER’S CHECK, or PERSONAL CHECK (DRAWN ON A U.S. BANK), MADE PAYABLE TO THE CALIFORNIA DOJ.

Can you print your own FD 258?

You may download an FD-258 (PDF) from our website and print it on standard paper.

Where can I get fingerprints for ATF Form 1?

These fingerprint cards may be obtained by contacting the Federal Explosives Licensing Center at 877-283-3352 or the ATF Distribution Center at 703-870-7526 or 703-870-7528. The fingerprint cards must be completed by your local law enforcement authority.

Does ATF Form 1 require fingerprints?

Yes. All individuals identified as “Responsible Persons” are required to submit fingerprint cards and photographs. In addition, each “Responsible Person” is required to complete the Form 5320.23, National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire. (See instruction 2 d.

Can you fingerprint yourself for ATF Form 1?

You can enter ATF Application, NFA Application, Form 1 Application (if building a Silencer or SBR), or Form 4 Application (if buying a Silencer or SBR). All of these reasons are acceptable.

How long does it take to get fingerprint cards from ATF?

We keep a constant inventory of FD-258 fingerprint cards on hand that contain the correct ORI information stamped on the cards and ship the same day. You can have your fingerprint cards in as little as 1 business day. Buy ATF Compliant FD-258 Paper Fingerprinting Packet/Cards for ATF eForm 1 Paperwork.

Can you use white out on a fingerprint card?

*White-out should never be used on the fingerprint card. It is a legal document. Type or Print all information in Black Ink. DO NOT SIGN the fingerprint card until your signature can be witnessed by the official taking your fingerprints.

Where do I send my ATF fingerprint card?

The fingerprint cards must contain the following ORI information: WVATF0900; ATF–NATL EXPL LIC, MARTINSBURG WV.

Does ATF accept live scan fingerprints?

The live scan software self-scores/grades fingerprints during scanning thus eliminating card rejects from the ATF.

What does the ATF do with fingerprint cards?

ATF Fingerprint cards are the cards used to submit fingerprint information to the ATF when required. Usually this is when you apply for an FFL or purchase or register various NFA devices.

How many fingerprint cards do you need for a suppressor?

Regardless of the type of NFA transfer, there is only one NFA fingerprint card to use, and that is the aforementioned FD-258 fingerprint card.

Where can I get a fingerprint card for SF 87?

U.S. Government Departments, Agencies, and Offices can place an order for this form at or with either a government purchase card or AAC (Activity Address Code). The Stock Number is 7540-00-634-4037.

Does the VA do fingerprinting?

You will also need to have your fingerprints taken. Applicants must go to * and follow the instructions provided. The VACO SOI/SON numbers are VAN5 and 1713. Please provide these when you report for fingerprinting.

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