How do you get a snowflake dragon?

How do you get a snowflake dragon?

To breed the Snowflake Dragon, just breed Terra with Ice. There is a 50% chance to get it, with the other dragon being Alpine.

How do you breed Snowflake dragons?

All six Snowflake Dragons can be bred by using any two Snowflake Dragons, in either order, at any Breeding Cave.

What two dragons make a pure dragon?

Part 2 of 2: In almost every case, breeding a Pure Dragon with another “generation 1” dragon has only one possible result, a hybrid of the two types. For example, a Pure and a Dark Dragon breeding together will always make a Pure Dark dragon.

What two dragons make a gummy dragon?

Star or Chameleon[Both are Terra + Electric] + nature dragon will also produce the gummy dragon. These are easy to breed as they only require Terra, Nature or Electric element to attain the required elements for the gummy dragon.

Why can’t I breed a fire and ice dragon?

Guide. Since the Cool Fire Dragon cannot be bred directly from the generation 1 dragons of flame and ice, you will have to use a flame hybrid dragon to mate with the ice dragon. You can also get Armadillo and Soccer as well, which is good.

How do I breed a blue fire dragon?

The Blue Fire Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Fire and Cold elements at any Breeding Cave.

How rare is the blue fire dragon?

Blue Fire Dragon
Type: Opposite Hybrid
Rarity: Rare
Form: Bipedal Dragon
Diet: Carnivore

How long does a blue fire dragon take to breed?

I used a level 10 Storm Dragon and a level 10 Fire Dragon. Breeding time is 12 hours for both the island and the egg, total 24 hours.

How do you get the iceberg dragon in Dragonvale?

The Iceberg Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Water and Cold elements at any Breeding Cave.

How do you breed a sand dragon?

The Sand Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Earth and Light elements at any Breeding Cave.

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