How do you get disability for hydrocephalus?

How do you get disability for hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus and Qualifying for SSD under the Blue Book This means that in order for you to be found eligible for benefits based on a diagnosis of hydrocephalus, you must show your condition is as serious as, and causes equivalent impairment to, a condition that does appear in the Blue Book.

Can hydrocephalus cause learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities (difficulties) are not uncommon in children with hydrocephalus and/or spina bifida.

Can you drink alcohol with hydrocephalus?

The causes of hydrocephalus are varied and specific causes may have affected brain development. An individual’s reaction to alcohol may vary based on their type of hydrocephalus or specific response to the substance. However, drinking in excess is not good for anyone, whatever their health status.

How serious is brain shunt surgery?

Placement of a shunt is a very safe procedure. However, complications can occur during or after the procedure. Risks associated with any surgical procedure include excessive bleeding and infection.

How long does a shunt operation take?

Shunt surgery is done by a specialist in brain and nervous system surgery (neurosurgeon). It’s done under a general anaesthetic and usually takes 1 to 2 hours. You may need to stay in hospital for a few days after the operation to recover.

How much does a shunt surgery cost?

Average cost was $35,816 +/- $810 (standard error range, $137-$814,748). Primary payers primarily were private insurers (43.8%), Medicare (26.0%), and Medicaid (24.5%). Disposition mainly was routine (78.4%, with home health care in 6.5%), and inpatient mortality was 2.7%.

How long can a person live with a shunt in their head?

The shunt event-free survival is approximately 70% at 12 months and is nearly half that at 10 years, post-operatively. Shunts that are placed to channel CSF to other parts of the body may fail due to malfunction or infection. Infections occur in less than 10% of all surgeries.

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