How do you get FarmVille?

How do you get FarmVille?

Play FarmVille 2 on Your Windows PC, Smartphone, or Tablet

  1. To play on a Windows PC, download FarmVille 2 from the Microsoft Store for your Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, or Windows Phone 8.1.
  2. To play on your Android device, install FarmVille 2 from the Google Play store.

Can I play Farm Town on my Android?

You can play this game through your Android’s browser by logging into your Facebook account. Tap the Android touchscreen to play the game and interact with items on your farm, such as your crops and animals. Tap “Farm Town” from the list of Facebook games on your Facebook profile.

When did farm town start?

Zynga Releases Farmville In June 2009, a few months after Farm Town rose to its popularity and just after it released to the public Application Directory, Zynga launched FarmVille.

How does FarmVille make money?

Zynga / Farmville makes their money from users completing offers to receive bonus cash for their in game play. To explain this best, it’s what affiliate marketing is all about. Farmville is simply pushing affiliate offers, and rewarding their users with game currency (no real physical product).

What is the highest level in FarmVille 2?


What is the highest level in FarmVille?

What is the Level Capacity in the new update? The current maximum level for Country Escape is 299. However, players can still accumulate experience points at this level.

What is the fastest way to make money on FarmVille 2?

Make more money selling your crops at the Farm Stand. Selling your crops and finished goods is one of the easiest ways to acquire cash and XP. Before you do though, check the Farm Stand once you’ve unlocked it.

How many levels FarmVille Tropic Escape?

three levels

What are the sand dollars for in FarmVille 2?

If gamers can fulfill every order before time runs out, they’ll receive extra experience points and a new form of currency: Sand Dollars. Sand Dollars can be spent in the Prize Tent on new Power Pins, which unlock timed boosts on players’ farms.

How do you enter cheats on FarmVille 2?

FarmVille 2 Instant Coins Cheat: Go to File > Open Process > Select the last Flash Player Plugin > Click Open. Scan 1000000 (Must be Scan Type: Exact Value and Value Type is 4 Bytes) then click “First Scan”

How do you speed up time in FarmVille 2?


  1. Send Helping Hands to the desired foraging spot or prized animal.
  2. Exit the game and change your device’s time settings to a future time that is the same or longer than what is required for your desired crop, item, or Helping Hand (i.e. 2 hours ahead for the Merryweather Mine).
  3. Go back to your farm.

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