How do you get the goddess bell?
Find Minwu and the King in the southeast room of the rebel hideout. If you ask the King about SUNFIRE, he will tell you about the GODDESS BELL. Ask the King about the GODDESS BELL and you will learn that it is the item that grants access to Kashuan Keep.
How do you get Snowcraft in ff2?
Semitt Fallsedit Stand above and to the right of the stone, and examine the wall on your right. Josef will ask you to stand back while he presses the switch which grants access to the hidden room beyond. Inside, you will find the snowcraft.
How do I get to Deist in Final Fantasy 2?
The safest way to reach Deist without getting lost is to travel east until you reach a coast line, and then follow it south until it leads you to an island covered by mountains along the north. Nestled in those mountains is the castle of Deist. Park your ship and journey across the island to reach the castle.
How do you get past doppelganger in ff2?
To destroy it, one must offer the White Mask to the goddess statue below Mysidia, which will paralyze the Doppelganger, and then the Black Mask should be placed on the copy, which will destroy it.
Where is deist in ff2?
Deist is an island far to the north of Palamecia in Final Fantasy II. It is the homeland to Wyverns and Dragoons. It is Ricard Highwind’s birthplace, and the Dragoon stronghold, Castle Deist, and Deist Cavern are located here as well.
Where is Mysidia ff4?
Head directly south of the docks—across a large expanse of ocean—to find Mysidia. Prior to entering the town, save your progress, and use items to recover your Hit Points. You should also equip as much Magic Defense on every character as you can.
Where is the curse augment Final Fantasy IV?
Item Lore is found north of the Kaipo Inn (behind a tree, in front of the pond) after your solo Edward battle. The twins augment is given by the Mysidia Elder after you lose them in Baron Castle.
How do you get into Baron Castle in Final Fantasy 4?
In the two non-opened treasure chests there, you will find a Rage of Zeus and 2,000 Gil! Ultimately, work your way into the building on the left side of Baron, which also has a locked door. Once again, use your Baron Key on the door to enter it.
How do you beat Baigan in Final Fantasy 4?
Baigan can be defeated easily by having Tellah cast Reflect on a party member (preferably someone with high HP like Yang), and bounce spells off the reflected party member to bypass Baigan’s Reflect. Another valid strategy is to use Twincast as Comet pierces Reflect.
Where is the tsunami augment?
By turning right then walking straight from the entrance, a secret room will be revealed at the end of the hidden passage. The room contains a treasure chest with 1000 gil. After the player defeats Cagnazzo, the Tsunami augment will be available for pick-up here.
How do you leave the underworld in ff4?
Go to the far northeast of the underworld. On a plateau, you should see a small dark circle. If you go over it and press B, you can return to the regular world map. Oh, it’s “elixir”.
Where is bahamut cave ff4?
To fight him, we must first traverse his cave, which is located in the southwest corner of the Moon (see the screenshot). Land on the dark areas around the cave entrance, then simply walk to a ramp and approach the cave, entering it when you get there.