How do you get to the museum in Fallout 3?

How do you get to the museum in Fallout 3?

The Museum of History can be accessed through the metro. One route is via Anacostia Crossing, following the tracks into Museum Station. The museum is on the north side of The Mall, north and a little east of the Washington Monument. Its east and west wings straddle the Museum station western exit.

Where is the key to the safe in museum of technology?

The safe is located west of the planetarium in the security office that overlooks the Virgo II. The terminal codes are: Terminal #001 – 19 (Ground floor, directly across from the entrance to the museum.)

Where is the Museum of History in Fallout 3?

The Museum of History is located in The Mall section of the Capital Wasteland. It can be found in the center of The Mall, right next to the Washington Monument. Inside the museum, head into the Museum Foyer to find the entrance to a Ghoul city called Underworld.

How do I get the key to the presidential sub level?

In the Pennsylvania Ave area you can go to the fence in front of the crate that was the white house. Nearby is a manhole that leads through a tunnel that you can take into the crater.

Where is the key to the presidential metro in Fallout 3?

At the junction where the working metro can take one to Adams AFB, there are two locked doors requiring a key to enter. There is no key to be found, however. The doors open when the presidential metro bot is killed. More robots are found behind the doors, but no loot.

What is the difference between me and my?

“My” is possessive! For example, “that is my book”. “Me” is a pronoun used to refer to yourself, similar to “I”.

When to use are or is?

When deciding whether to use is or are, look at whether the noun is plural or singular. If the noun is singular, use is. If it is plural or there is more than one noun, use are. The cat is eating all of his food.

Are one of you or is one of you?

“One of you” is singular. “One” is a singular noun, and “of you” is a prepositional phrase that modifies “One,” kind of like how an adjective modifies a noun.

Is it one has or one have?

One of them has/have? “One” is the subject, so “has” is the verb. “One of them has” – is correct. One singular subject so “has” singular verb.

Is it can you please or could you please?

Both are correct. The first is more direct, and the second is more polite. Could you please . . . gives slightly more room for refusal than Can you please . . .

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