
How do you get XP in Royale high?

How do you get XP in Royale high?

  1. Go to your apartment and sleep until the meter is at 100%
  2. Go to the classes in royale high. (
  3. Go to sunset island and participate in the challenges (this can also help with farming!)
  4. When at school turn in your hw your EXP will go up a little bit but not much.

How do you get rid of your face in Royale High 2020?

Go on faces then go on sleepy on the top there will be cute2 and there you go :D. So, this is easy. Go to styles, go to sleepy, select the blank face. BOOM!! 😀 <3.

What is LMAO?

LMAO — “laughing my ass off” LOL — “laughing out loud”, or “lots of laughs” (a reply to something amusing)

What should I reply to LMAO?

I don’t entirely think lmao needs a response, but you can respond with laughing emoji, lol, ikr! Or anything else just to agree that it was funny….

  • Nothing much or not much.
  • Nothing new.
  • Same old.
  • Nothing, just tired.
  • I am unwell.
  • I am screwed.
  • No complaints.
  • It’s too hot today.

What does XD mean?

laughing face

What does IRL mean sexually?

IRL. “In real life”: “I text with my bae all day, but I’m scared to talk to her IRL.” IWSN. “I want sex now.” Used seriously and in joking contexts.

What does 3 mean from a guy?

<3. means “Love”.

What does 3 kisses mean?

they are definitely feeling you out

What does 3@ mean on TikTok?

What does FYP mean on TikTok? This one is pretty simple. That #FYP you see everywhere on TikTok? It means ‘For You Page’.

What does 07 mean on Tik Tok?

O7 means “Salute”.

What does first mean on TikTok?

From dancing on top of a moving train for a tik tok video to taking a selfie at the edge of a cliff for Instagram. People typing “first” on a YT video sends a thought to millions who’ll then see his/her comment and possibly like the comment because they saw the video first.

What does $$ price range mean?

$ = Inexpensive, usually $10 and under. $$ = Moderately expensive, usually between $10-$25. $$$ = Expensive, usually between $25-$45. $$$$ = Very Expensive, usually $50 and up.

What is a 2 percenter?

2 Percenters – A reference to those students who are only involved in the classroom aspect of the University and not “The Other Education” that helps to build a fully-develop character.

What is dank slang for?

When not describing something as “moist” and “humid” like a basement, dank is a slang term describing something as “excellent,” especially marijuana. Dank can also refer to memes that are played out or extremely weird.

Is Dank a real word?

Dank. The protean adjective (or adverb if you want to slink dankly along) is now used for so much more than to merely describe things that are “unpleasantly moist.” In modern usage, dank can be used to pinpoint particular qualities in marijuana, beer, and internet humor, or as a general term of praise.

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