
How do you give advice expressions?

How do you give advice expressions?

Asking for advice:

  1. I need some advice. I’ve no idea what to do.
  2. I am at a loss to know what to do. What do you think?
  3. What do you think I should do?
  4. What would you recommend?
  5. What do you suggest?
  6. Have you got any ideas?
  7. I’d appreciate your advice.
  8. What would you advise me to do?

What expressions would you like to say when you ask for advice?

Here is the common phrases that you could use when someone want to ask for advice:

  • What do you suggest?
  • What do you advise me to do?
  • What should I do (about…)?
  • What ought I to do?
  • What’s your advice?
  • If you were me what would you do?
  • What do you thing I should do (about…)?
  • What would you suggest I do..?

How do you give good suggestions?

Try these four tips to become an expert advisor that others respect and trust:

  1. Only give advice when asked. Most of us give advice automatically when someone shares a problem, but our good intentions can backfire.
  2. Offer information about the options.
  3. Help think through the problem.
  4. Express confidence in their judgment.

What is difference between advice and suggestion?

Advice is considered formal while a suggestion is supposed to be casual. This is because the advice received can sometimes be the solution to the general problem. Moreover, advice constitutes command and control because the person offering it has experience and is knowledgeable in that area.

How do you politely make a suggestion?

Here are some expressions you can use:

  1. • You might want to think about…
  2. • You might want to consider…
  3. • Perhaps you/we could…
  4. • Maybe you/we could…
  5. • It may be a good idea to…
  6. • It might be a good idea to…

How do you reject a suggestion politely?

In spite of using a positive tone, you should clearly state that you are turning down the suggestion. Offer a compliment or thank the reader for presenting a suggestion. Explain why you turned down the idea. End with a positive comment.

What is the example of suggestion?

The definition of a suggestion is a proposal made or an idea that has been put forth. An example of suggestion is when someone offers up an idea for what to do that evening.

Is a question a suggestion?

In general, a request is a question; a suggestion is not. In fact, a suggestion is often the response to a request or question, like this: the request: “Mum, how can I help you today” the response: “I suggest you start by tidying your room” You could say : “may I make a suggestion?” This is a request.

How do you use suggestion in a sentence?

He made the suggestion that we go by. 12. He dismissed her suggestion out of hand….

  1. I want to make a suggestion.
  2. His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.
  3. He surmised that the suggestion wouldn’t find favour.
  4. This suggestion won’t be welcomed at No.

How can I give suggestions in English?

5 Simple ways to give advice in English

  1. Use a modal verb. There are two modal verbs we often use for giving advice: ‘should’ and ‘ought to’.
  2. Make it into a question.
  3. Put yourself in the person’s position.
  4. Make a suggestion.
  5. Advise in a stronger way.

What is a presumptuous question?

: done or made without permission, right, or good reason. a presumptuous question.

Is being presumptuous good or bad?

Is “presumptuous” a really bad thing to be called? It’s not worth rage, but it’s not a compliment. It usually means to assume something without fact, and it’s often combined with arrogance.

Does presumptuous mean assuming?

Filters. The definition of presumptuous is taking things for granted or being overconfident. An example of presumptuous is assuming that you will win the city wide spelling bee just because you scored 100% on your last spelling quiz.

What is it called when someone answers their own question?

Hypophora, also referred to as anthypophora or antipophora, is a figure of speech in which the speaker poses a question and then answers the question.

Why is Hypophora used?

The author / speaker raises a question and also gives an answer to the question. Hypophora is used to get the audience’s attention and make them curious. Often the question is raised at the beginning of a paragraph and answered in the course of that paragraph.

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