How do you greet someone in India?

How do you greet someone in India?


  1. In many parts of India and during formal occasions, it is common for people to greet with the traditional Hindu greeting of “Namaste” (‘I greet the divine within you’).
  2. A common gesture when greeting is pressing the palms together with the fingertips facing upwards (i.e. in a prayer position).

How do you write Welcome to India?

It may be said “Welcome to India”. What you have mentioned is right but not in that way.. “The way of welcome in India is pretty traditional.” In the above sentence, Welcome acts as a noun and so it is correct.. and what I mean to say is your given statement is a partial sentence and is wrong.

How do you greet in Hindi?

Hindi Greetings and Salutations

  1. Hello. The Hindi word for “hello” is namaste – literally, “I bow to you” – which they will.
  2. Good-bye. When leaving, you might say namaste again, or phir milenge (”see you”).
  3. Good morning! Suprabhaat.
  4. Good evening! Shubh sundhyaa.
  5. Welcome!
  6. Nice to meet you.
  7. How are you?
  8. I am fine.

Is it correct to say welcome in?

Member. It should always be “welcome to” when used as an exclamation: “Welcome to England”, “welcome to my house”, “welcome to Widgets, Inc.”. “Welcome in…” used in this context is always incorrect… “Welcome in/at” can be used when ‘welcome’ is an adjective: “You’re always welcome in my house/at the corner shop.”

How do you respond to love?

Alternative Responses To I Love You

  1. I love you way more.
  2. Thank you for loving me.
  3. I am so obsessed with you.
  4. There is nothing better than hearing you say that.
  5. You make the world a better place.
  6. No, I love you!
  7. You are the only person who can make me smile constantly.

When can we say it’s my pleasure?

“My pleasure” is an idiomatic response to “Thank you.” It is similar to “You’re welcome,” but more polite and more emphatic. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it.

Can I say it’s my pleasure?

You can say ‘It’s a pleasure’ or ‘My pleasure’ as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. ‘Thanks very much anyhow. ‘—’It’s a pleasure. ‘—’My pleasure.

What is the reply of it’s my pleasure?

Typically, someone says “it was my pleasure” after the person they’re talking with says “thank you”. It’s another way of saying “you’re welcome.” Therefore, after this exchange, there’s no further response needed.

How do you respond to the pleasure is mine?

“The pleasure is all mine” is usually said in response to “I’m pleased to meet you”. It simply means “you’re welcome.”…

  1. You are too kind!
  2. Thanks again!
  3. I really appreciate it!

Can I say it was a pleasure meeting you?

Generally ” It was a pleasure meeting you” is used at the end of the conversation. You can say “It is a pleasure to meet you” at the beginning of the conversation. It was nice meeting you and It was nice to meet you are equivalent sentences.

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