How do you identify a Kimball piano?
Logo. Identify a Kimball piano by the unmistakable logo. Checking the serial number in conjunction with identifying the logo will ensure that you have an authentic Kimball piano. The logo consists of two laurel leaves that form a “U” shape with the stems crossing over at the bottom of the design.
Why did Kimball stop making pianos?
In the early 1900s Reed organs were falling out of ‘public favor’ as pianos increased in popularity due to a number of factors, including economics. So in 1922 after producing a total of 403,990 reed organs, Kimball halted the production of any more.
How old is Kimball piano?
W.W. Kimball Company William Wallace Kimball had founded the W.W. Kimball Piano Company in 1857 in Chicago. The original W.W. Kimball piano factory was located at 26th and California Streets in Chicago.
How can I tell if piano keys are ivory?
If your piano keys are made of ivory, they will turn yellow as time goes by. You can also roughly tell the age of the ivory by its colour shade. The darker it is, the older it is. The colour also tends to vary slightly, such as creamy white to yellow-tan or yellow brown.
Is an old piano worth anything?
Like antique books, antique pianos are not worth a lot of money just because they are old. In actuality these old instruments may be worth very little at all. Most antique, upright pianos are worth $500 or less in very good condition.
How do I know if my piano is valuable?
Appraisers of used pianos and other consumer goods typically use three different methods to determine fair market value: comparable sales, depreciation, and idealized value minus the cost of restoration.
How much does a self playing piano cost?
Lin is demonstrating the Spirio, Steinway’s newest and first self-playing piano. When you buy a Spirio—not you, necessarily; they run upwards of $110,000—it comes with an iPad loaded with a Spotify-like app.