How do you kill friends cast on Gunsmoke?

How do you kill friends cast on Gunsmoke?

Cast & Crew

  1. James Arness. Matt Dillon.
  2. Dennis Weaver. Chester.
  3. Milburn Stone. Doc. (credit only)
  4. Amanda Blake. Kitty.
  5. Philip Abbott. Ben Corder.
  6. Pat Conway. Toque Morlan.
  7. James Westerfield. Harry Duggan.
  8. Gregg Palmer. Jim.

What race drinks the most alcohol?

Native Americans have the highest prevalence (12.1 percent) of heavy drinking (i.e., five or more drinks on the same occasion for 5 or more of the past 30 days; followed by Whites (8.3 percent) and Hispanics (6.1 percent).

Who are the heaviest drinkers in the world?

The former Soviet states in eastern Europe are among the world’s heaviest-drinking countries, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), which mapped the total alcohol consumption of people over the age of 15 in litres per capita across the globe.

What country has the highest alcohol related deaths?

The rates of alcohol-attributable mortality were highest in Nicaragua (23.2 per 100,000 people) and Guatemala (19 per 100,000), even though these countries have relatively lower per capita alcohol consumption.

Which country has the most alcoholics?


What profession has the most alcoholics?

Mining: These workers showed the highest rates of heavy alcohol use, with 17.5 percent of those in the mining industry reporting past-month heavy drinking. Construction: In the month prior to the survey, 16.5 percent of those working in the construction field drank heavily.

What is the life expectancy of an alcoholic?

People hospitalized with alcohol use disorder have an average life expectancy of 47–53 years (men) and 50–58 years (women) and die 24–28 years earlier than people in the general population.

What is the most alcoholic state?

New Hampshire

What city has the most alcoholics?

Green Bay

Which state drinks the least alcohol?

Utah has the lowest consumption of alcohol, with alcohol consumption per capita of 1.34 gallons.

Which state drinks most alcohol in India?

Punjab, Goa, Tripura, Chhattisgarh and Arunachal Pradesh rank high on alcohol consumption. However, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of alcohol drinkers in India. A few state governments like Bihar, Gujarat, Mizoram and Nagaland, have prohibited the sale of alcohol.

What state drinks the most whiskey?

In 2019, Kentucky had the highest per capita consumption of straight whiskey at over 249 9-liter cases per one thousand adults.

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