How do you list publications on a CV?

How do you list publications on a CV?

Publications on a Resume

  1. Put them in a separate resume section called “Publications.”
  2. Add your publications section below your education.
  3. Include each publication in a new bullet point.
  4. List the year and title.
  5. Add the name of the magazine, website, or journal.
  6. Stick with publications that show required skills.

How do you list publications under review on a CV?

Do list your manuscripts under review. For your job market CV (i.e. the one you send to search committees), list the journal where a paper is under review regardless of its status (submitted, under review, revise and resubmit, or accepted pending minor revisions).

Should I list publications on my resume?

You do not have to include your publications/presentations and honors/awards. This is not to say that you can’t, but generally it is less expected that these would be included in the resume. We recommend having a supplemental list of publications and presentations to provide employers if they ask for it.

How do I write a CV for a lecturer position?

A good academic CV template should include the following sections, from top to bottom:

  1. Contact Information.
  2. Research Objective or Personal Profile.
  3. Education.
  4. Professional Appointments.
  5. Publications.
  6. Awards and Honors.
  7. Grants and Fellowships.
  8. Conferences.

How do you list courses taught on CV?

To the right of each course, in parentheses, give the terms and years taught. This allows you to show the number of times you’ve taught a course without listing it over and over. Give course titles BUT NEVER GIVE COURSE NUMBERS! Course numbers are meaningless outside your campus.

What is the difference between CV and resume?

The CV presents a full history of your academic credentials, so the length of the document is variable. In contrast, a resume presents a concise picture of your skills and qualifications for a specific position, so length tends to be shorter and dictated by years of experience (generally 1-2 pages).

Can I submit resume instead of CV?

Yes, you can send a resume instead of a CV. However, if you’re in the US and applying for a job in academia or a graduate program, you should send a CV. For international job applications, you can send either a resume or a CV, as they are two names for essentially the same document.

How do you say please find attached my CV?

The Best Ways to Say “Please Find Attached My Resume”

  1. Let me know if you have any questions about my resume attached below.
  2. I have attached my resume for your review.
  3. My resume is attached for your consideration.
  4. My resume is included for your consideration.
  5. I have included my resume for your review.

What can I say instead of please find attached?

Alternatives to “Please Find Attached”

  • Attach the file with no explanation.
  • “Here is …”
  • “I’ve attached …”
  • “This [document name] has …”
  • “I’m sharing [document name] with you.”
  • “You’ll find the attachment below.”
  • “Let me know if you have any questions about the attachment.”

Is it OK to say please find attached?

Please find attached is wordy jargon at its worst. It’s also a bit redundant to say that something is attached and then direct the recipient to please find it. Another oddity with attached please find is that it’s a command when it doesn’t need to be.

How do I send my CV via email?

For roles where specific instructions are not set out, we recommend the following:

  1. Format your cover letter and CV.
  2. Include a subject line in the email message.
  3. Write an email message to send with your CV.
  4. Add your signature to an email message.
  5. Add your CV and cover letter to an email message.

What is the best format to send a resume by email?

If you are sending a resume directly to a contact or hiring manager through email, a PDF is often your best option. For resumes submitted through an application system, follow the directions specified. To save a Word document as a PDF: Go to File > Save As in Microsoft Word.

What documents should be included in a CV?

List of Supporting Documents

  • Resume.
  • Cover Letter.
  • Reference List.
  • Letters of Recommendation.
  • Transcript.
  • Portfolio.
  • Writing Sample (essay, articles, or other writing samples)
  • Employment Certificate.

How do I write a mail to send resume through someone’s reference effectively?


  1. Create a strong subject line.
  2. Format the email as a business letter.
  3. Emphasize your mutual acquaintance.
  4. Get straight to the point.
  5. Be concise.
  6. Be sure to attach your Resume.
  7. Thank the reader.

How do you send a CV politely?

The best tips for emailing a resume to an employer:

  1. Follow the directions from the job ad.
  2. Attach your resume and a cover letter in the proper format.
  3. Find the hiring manager’s name and email address.
  4. Use a strong subject line.
  5. Make your resume email short.
  6. Finish with a call to action.

How do you introduce yourself when you’re referred?

Your subject should be something informative like, “Referral from Robert Smith – interested in Executive Assistant position”. In the body of the e-mail, re-iterate who referred you and how you know them. If you’re just given the hiring manager’s phone number, ask your contact if there is a good time of day to call.

How do you mention a reference in an email?

Include the individual by name and describe your connection with them as well. Explain how you know the person. Give a brief account of how you know the person, and explain how they came to be familiar with your work qualifications and skills.

What do you say when giving references?

Should you say yes?

  1. Keep the information factual. Avoid opinions about issues such as personal conflicts.
  2. Qualify what you say. For example, “It was our experience…” or “In this situation…”
  3. Make your praise specific.
  4. Refer to specific tasks or projects.
  5. Avoid examples that highlight a candidate’s weaknesses.

How do you reference an employee email?

The basics of referral emails

  1. Subject line.
  2. Important job details and responsibilities.
  3. Who the candidate will work with if hired.
  4. Key job requirements and qualifications.
  5. What you’re looking for in an employee.
  6. Link to the job description.
  7. Encouragement for employees to refer well-qualified candidates they know.

How do you write a job reference email?

Follow business letter format for your letter. Include your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information. Address the job to the employer, or, if you don’t know to whom to address the letter, you can say “To Whom it May Concern,” or simply begin with your first paragraph.

How do you give a good reference example?

How to write a character reference letter

  • Start by explaining your relationship to the candidate. How do you know the candidate?
  • Include long you’ve known the candidate.
  • Add positive personal qualities with specific examples.
  • Close with a statement of recommendation.
  • Offer your contact information.

What to put if you have no references?

Share your goals with your potential reference. Tell them about the position you’re applying for and how it fits your experience. Tell them what you think the employer needs to know. Share any concerns you have about why you may not get the position.

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