
How do you maintain balance between study and extracurricular activities?

How do you maintain balance between study and extracurricular activities?

4 Ways to Balance Academics and Extracurricular Activities

  1. Academics Come First. While extracurricular activities are important, academics come first.
  2. Develop a Schedule. Plan out what needs to be done and when it needs to be finished.
  3. Be Picky about Extracurricular Activities.
  4. Take Breaks.

How do you balance life and school?

Managing the conflicting demands of school, work, and family

  1. Be where you are. Don’t worry about what you aren’t doing.
  2. Set a schedule for the week and get organized.
  3. Reward yourself.
  4. Remember that you are only human.
  5. Use your support system.
  6. Don’t focus on getting straight A’s.
  7. Have some fun.
  8. Learn to say ‘no.

How do you balance a relationship and career?

Here are 10 ways to still find success as a couple while pursuing a career:

  1. Set boundaries.
  2. Talk finances early and often.
  3. Carve time out for each other.
  4. Don’t go to bed angry.
  5. Balance sacrifices.
  6. Show unconditional support.
  7. Love the person, not their title.
  8. Do the decision two-step.

How do you balance both love and studies?

Here are a few tips on how you can balance your studies and love life effectively.

  1. Create a schedule. First and foremost thing to do is creating a schedule.
  2. Spend quality time. When you are with your partner, make sure you both have a good time.
  3. Combined studies.
  4. Don’t procrastinate.
  5. Limit your phone usage.
  6. Prioritize.

How do I stop being sexually attracted to something?

How to Stop Being Attracted to Someone Who’s Not Good for You

  1. Figure out what the heck you are so attracted to in that person who isn’t good for you.
  2. Counter sexual, romantic or positive thoughts with immediate negative ones.
  3. Think about the qualities of your best friends.
  4. Write about your romantic penchants.
  5. A final question to ask yourself…

What controls who we are attracted to?

The answer is part cultural and part biological, says Fisher. First, we tend to be drawn to people who are similar to us. We’re commonly attracted to those who remind us of loved ones, such as parents, former significant others, or friends.

What makes a man attractive physically?

Developed calves and a good hip ratio are sexy because they not only look good; they mean that you are physically active. Toned chest, hip ratio, shoulders and arms are evidence that a man is physically active and cares about his physique.

How do you tell if a man is sexually attracted to you?

Depending on the kind of guy, there are a number of signs to tell that someone might be attracted to you sexually.

  • Nervousness.
  • Sexual tension.
  • They reach out and touch your arm or shoulder.
  • They gaze into your eyes or look at your lips.
  • Open body language.

Why do we get attracted to a particular person?

The rules of attraction are complex, influenced by a range of elements: looks, smell, behaviour, experience. However, sometimes the game of love comes down to one of the most basic factors: proximity. For years, research has shown that we are often simply attracted to those individuals that we see on a regular basis.

What makes a woman intriguing to a man?

A woman with her own sense of self, sense of beauty, sense of style, ideas, ambitions and opinions can drive a man wild with curiosity and intrigue. Keep being you ladies; it’s sexier than you know.

What kind of girl attracts guys?

Research from 2014 claims that men prefer women who use makeup moderately. The most curious thing is that women don’t really like to have very bright makeup, but they think that men like it, which is why they often do it. So, women who make a very bright makeup might repel the men they’re trying to attract.

What do intelligent guys like in a girl?

Intelligent men want a woman who knows what’s going on in the world. They want someone who cares about things outside her immediate orbit. This comes along with other attractive qualities like empathy, confidence, and engagement with the world around her.

Do girls like smart guys?

Published in the British Journal of Psychology, the paper states that women want men to be smart, but not too smart. When it came to looks, however, women rated the most physically attractive guys the same as those who were considered the usual attractive type, meaning there’s no such thing as too good-looking.

How can a girl become a smart boy?


  1. Smile and laugh, girls love a guy who is happy. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0.
  2. Don’t tease her too much, it could become offensive. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0.
  3. Talk about common ground, like school.
  4. Make a point to remember things she does or says.
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