How do you make a simple tessellation?

How do you make a simple tessellation?

A Simple Method For Creating Tessellations From Rectangles

  1. Cut out a rectangle out of an index card or poster board.
  2. Draw a line from one side to the opposite side.
  3. Cut along the line you drew and interchange the pieces.
  4. Draw another line on the resulting figure in a perpendicular direction to the first line.

What are tessellations used for?

Such tilings may be decorative patterns, or may have functions such as providing durable and water-resistant pavement, floor or wall coverings. Historically, tessellations were used in Ancient Rome and in Islamic art such as in the Moroccan architecture and decorative geometric tiling of the Alhambra palace.

How do you Tessellate a shape?

A tessellation is a pattern created with identical shapes which fit together with no gaps. Regular polygons tessellate if the interior angles can be added together to make 360°. Certain shapes that are not regular can also be tessellated. Remember that a tessellation leaves no gaps.

What do tessellations teach?

Tessellations can be very useful in education and in teaching mathematics. They can be used from kindergarten to high school. Creating tessellations does not depend largely on numerical skills; therefore students with many different levels of mathe matical abilities can create them.

What are the three rules for tessellations?


  • RULE #1: The tessellation must tile a floor (that goes on forever) with no overlapping or gaps.
  • RULE #2: The tiles must be regular polygons – and all the same.
  • RULE #3: Each vertex must look the same.

What 2 dimensional shapes Cannot Tessellate?

Circles or ovals, for example, cannot tessellate. Not only do they not have angles, but you can clearly see that it is impossible to put a series of circles next to each other without a gap.

How do you identify a tessellation?

To tessellate means that congruent figures are put together to create a pattern where there aren’t any gaps or spaces in the pattern. Figures can be put side by side and/or upside down to create the pattern. The pattern is called a tessellation. If you look at the honeycomb, you can see that hexagons are tessellating.

Can circles Tessellate?

Circles are a type of oval—a convex, curved shape with no corners. While they can’t tessellate on their own, they can be part of a tessellation… but only if you view the triangular gaps between the circles as shapes.

What is the difference between tessellation and pattern?

While some shapes fit together to make a two-dimensional repeating pattern that leaves no gaps, this is not possible for other shapes. Compare how squares and circles fit together in a rectangular pattern. A pattern of shapes that fit together without any gaps is called a tessellation.

Does a hexagon Tessellate with a triangle?

Equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons are the only regular polygons that will tessellate. Therefore, there are only three regular tessellations.

Can a kite Tessellate?

Yes, a kite does tessellate, meaning we can create a tessellation using a kite.

Do all quadrilaterals tessellate?

Every shape of quadrilateral can be used to tessellate the plane. In both cases, the angle sum of the shape plays a key role. Since triangles have angle sum 180° and quadrilaterals have angle sum 360°, copies of one tile can fill out the 360° surrounding a vertex of the tessellation.

Does a rhombus Tessellate?

A tessellation is a tiling over a plane with one or more figures such that the figures fill the plane with no overlaps and no gaps. Here are a few examples. But, if we add in another shape, a rhombus, for example, then the two shapes together will tessellate.

How do you make a rhombus tessellation?

To create a tessellation using this technique;

  1. Draw a parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, or square.
  2. Alter the top edge of the parallelogram by replacing it with a curved or crooked line.
  3. Translate that edge to the bottom of the parallelogram.
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