How do you make iMovie high quality?

How do you make iMovie high quality?

For the best results, follow these steps when exporting from iMovie:

  1. Click ‘File > Share > File…’ from the top menu bar.
  2. Set Resolution to the same as the project, usually “1080p”
  3. Set Quality to “High”
  4. Set Compress to “Better Quality”
  5. Click ‘Next’
  6. Choose where you want to save it, then click ‘Save’

How do I change my iMovie project to 1080p?


  1. Start a new movie project in iMovie and select “No theme”.
  2. Next, click “Import media”.
  3. Once you press “Import media” find your branded video that was recorded at 60 frames per second:
  4. It’ll appear in the timeline.
  5. And select 1080p 60FPS under Project Settings.

Why is 1080p not available on iMovie?

In order to have a 1080p share option, you must have a 1080p project. The resolution of a project is set to the resolution of the very first clip added to a new project. So, to set your project at 1080p, you can insert a known 1080p clip into the project as the very first clip placed in the project.

How long should iMovie take to export?

So normally it takes around 15 – 30 minutes. 30 minutes, if it will get around 4 minute videos. I normally have footage in Full HD woth 30 – 48 images a second.

How do I know if iMovie is exporting?

While it is exporting a small blue circle in the upper right hand corner of iMovie will show the progress of your export. A notification will pop up when it is complete.

Why does iMovie take so long to export?

Answer: A: HD video export requires CPU and RAM, the lack of which can exacerbate the export process. a video at 720p, 1080i, 2K,4K,5K can drastically affect the CPU/RAM usage and the computer may be resorting to caching to complete this task which will slow things down even further.

How do you speed up more than 2x in iMovie?

To speed up the selected video, choose Clip > Fast Forward, and then choose a multiple: 2x, 4x, 8x, or 20x. If an option can’t be selected, it means the video clip isn’t long enough to accommodate that increase of speed. Or, it may mean you need to convert your video.

Where is my iMovie project saved?

Click on the “Locate…” button on the lower right so that you can find your iMovie library on your removable drive or USB drive. 4. Select your removable drive on the left, then highlight your iMovie library and click “Open” in the lower right.

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