How do you mark correction?

How do you mark correction?


  1. The first time you intend to use the correction code, explain to your learners what you are going to do and why (in L1 if necessary).
  2. Set the writing task, either as homework or in class.
  3. Collect the work and correct it using the correction code.
  4. Return the work and ask learners to correct it.

What is the editing symbol for lowercase?

A stroke through a capital letter means set it in lowercase. Three lines under a lowercase letter mean to make it a capital. One line under a word means to set in italics. A series of strikethroughs means to remove underlining.

What is a proofreading mark called?

Proofreading marks (also called proofreaders’ marks) are symbols and notations for correcting typeset pages. The proofreader places these marks in the margins and in corresponding lines of text. A slash separates marginal marks that appear on the same line. Marginal. Mark.

What does SC mean for editors?


Abbreviation Meaning Use
sc Small caps Put text in small caps
wf Wrong font Put text in correct font
wc/ww word choice/wrong word Incorrect or awkward word choice
hr # Insert hair space

Why do we use editing marks?

When proofreading, we use different marks to indicate capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. These universal marks have been created to be used and understood by all writers.

What P2P programs still work?

List of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing Applications

  • Xunlei.
  • Bittorrent, uTorrent, BitComet, Vuze and Transmission.
  • Azureus.
  • Emule and eDonkey.
  • Gnutella, LimeWire and Cabos.
  • WinMX.
  • Share.
  • Winny.

What are the advantages of peer to peer network?

5. Peer-to-Peer Network: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Does not need an expensive server because individual workstations are used to access the files Files and folders cannot be centrally backed up

What is the main disadvantage of a peer to peer network?

Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Computing It is difficult to backup the data as it is stored in different computer systems and there is no central server. It is difficult to provide overall security in the peer to peer network as each system is independent and contains its own data.

What’s the difference between peer to peer and client-server?

Peer-to-peer networks connect computers so that each computer shares all or part of its resources. Client-server networks have one or more central computers, or servers, that hold the data and manage resources.

Is peer to peer faster than client server?

Usually, you can get 3-5 times faster on a peer-to-peer architecture than on client-server. As we discussed above, a peer-to-peer approach is better when many clients need access to the data.

What is SF in online selling?

SF is shipping fee. Once the buyer decides to purchase the item then you can move on to deciding on how much and which party will pay for the shipping fee.

What does SF mean in football?


What does SF mean in text messages?

SF — Shining Force. SF — Star Fox. SF — Something Fierce. SF — Sincerely and Fraternally. SF — San Fierro.

What is an SF freak?

SF as abbreviation means “Sick Freak”

What does SF mean in music?

Dynamic marking and meaning

Dynamic marking Meaning
f Forte: loud
mf Mezzo forte: fairly loud
mp Mezzo piano: fairly quiet
sf Sforzando: sudden accent

What does SFS mean on Tik Tok?

On Instagram, #SFS is a hashtag that indicates a user is looking for a shoutout for shoutout or spam for spam, which is a way to cross promote posts on the platform.

What does OTP mean when texting?

OTP, which stands for One True Pairing, is a term that signifies a person’s favorite fictional romantic relationship.

Is there a kid friendly version of Tik Tok?

Ringelstein, the former founder of UClass (acquired in 2015), launched Zigazoo, which he describes as a “TikTok for kids.” Zigazoo is a free app where kids can answer short video-based exercises that they can answer through video and share responses with friends.

What is SnapKidz app?

In essence, SnapKidz is just a photo and drawing app for kids, which lacks Snapchat’s main feature: sending messages. The kid-friendly option is currently only available as part of an update to the iOS app, but may roll out to Android in the future.

How do I get Snapkidz?

How To Set Up Snapkidz, a Snapchat for Kids

  1. Install/Update the Snapchat app.
  2. Log out of your Snapchat account if you are already signed in by tapping the Settings icon and scrolling down to the Logout field.
  3. Tap Logout to sign out of your account.
  4. Tap Sign Up on the home screen to register a kid account.

What age is Snapkidz for?


Why Snapchat is dangerous?

Is Snapchat Safe? Snapchat is a harmful application for children under the age of 18 to use, because the snaps are quickly deleted. This makes it nearly impossible for parents to see what their child is doing within the application.

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