How do you move the boulder in front of Hades throne room?
Tap on the green part with the skull to revisit the underworld of Hades’ temple, and hop up to big stone outside Hades’ throne room above the guardian dog. Click the stone, and Hercules rolls it away with ease.
How do I move the boulder in Poptropica Mythology?
Enter the building and talk to Poseidon. He will give you his trident. Teleport to Hades’ Realm and let Hercules get rid of the boulder there.
How do you get the scale of Hydra in Poptropica?
The Hydra’s Scale is one of the Five Sacred Items on Mythology Island. It is found in a cave under Poseidon’s realm. The Hydra resides in said cave, and it must be defeated by jumping on each of its heads after it lunges out. When it is knocked out, the scale can be obtained.
What once dry is wet now?
She tells you that what was once wet is now dried up. When once again the water flows then she will grant you one red rose. The Sphinx ells you that your fate awaits you.
What do the bones spell in Poptropica?
You actually need to remove six bones so that the puzzle SPELLS the word “TEN”.
Was Aphrodite nice or mean?
APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. She was depicted as a beautiful woman often accompanied by the winged godling Eros (Love). Her attributes included a dove, apple, scallop shell and mirror. In classical sculpture and fresco she was usually depicted nude.
Where is the underwater cave in Poptropica Mythology Island?
The Hydra is located in its cave, which is an underwater area in the realm of Poseidon. To get there, you must swim through an underwater cavern. When battling the Hydra, each one of its heads will rear back and plunge down towards you. When that happens, jump and land on them.
How do you get the gold ring of the Minotaur in Poptropica?
To get the ring you must conquer the Minotaur’s Labyrinth. After you get to a certain point, there will be a pillar blocking your way. To get past it you must play a game with fifteen bones. Click on the bones such that they spell “TEN.” Next you will find a portrait of the Minotaur with holes in it.
How do you put Cerberus to sleep?
To defeat him, use the pipe and a song to put him to sleep, allowing you to take one of his whiskers.
How do you get the whisker of Cerberus on Poptropica?
Go to the underworld and play the tune on your reed pipe in front of Cerberus. He will fall asleep and you can take the whisker from him.
How do you get the golden apple in Poptropica Mythology Island?
Find the Tree of Immortality where you’ll meet a satyr and learn of his woes after nymphs have hidden his honey from him. In a race against the clock you’ll need to help him collect all his honey, after which he’ll reveal a new path to lead you to the Golden Apple.
What do I offer to Hades in Poptropica?
Getting the Pomegranate for Hades’ Altar Before you get into the underworld of Hades to complete some of the tasks in your mission for Zeus, you’ll need to leave an offering of a pomegranate on the altar in Hades’ temple.
What do you do with the Golden Apple in Poptropica?
The Golden Apple is said to be a fruit of immortality, but in Mythology Island, if you get the golden apple, it will summon Zeus and he will give you an epic quest to recover five sacred items.