How do you pluralize et al?

How do you pluralize et al?

“et al.” is generally used for papers with more than two authors. (Note that “et al.” makes the subject plural if the authors are the subject of the sentence rather than the paper, so it is “Smith et al. [1] show” not “shows”.

Is it a great weekend everyone or everybody?

The short answer is, there’s not much difference! Both of these words mean “every person,” and in dictionaries, the meaning of everyone is often given as everybody, and vice versa. However, it’s worth mentioning that many people think everybody is a little more casual (more informal) than everyone.

What can I say instead of hi to a girl?

There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:

  • “Hello!”
  • “Good morning.”
  • “Good afternoon.”
  • “Good evening.”
  • “It’s nice to meet you.”
  • “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)

How do you say hello in Old English?

Greetings -GrētungƿordEdit

  1. Ēalā; hāl – Hey/hi.
  2. Ƿes hāl – hello; goodbye (to one person)
  3. Ƿesaþ hāla – hello; goodbye (to more than one woman)
  4. Ƿesaþ hāle – hello; goodbye (to more than one man, or to a mixed gender group)

Which language is closest to Old English?

West Frisian

What word comes before Hello?


What is the full form of Hello?

Originally Answered: What is the full form of hello? H =How are you? E =Everything all right? L =Like to hear from you. L =Love to see you soon!

Who says hello first on phone?

Telephone. The use of hello as a telephone greeting has been credited to Thomas Edison; according to one source, he expressed his surprise with a misheard Hullo. Alexander Graham Bell initially used Ahoy (as used on ships) as a telephone greeting. However, in 1877, Edison wrote to T. B. A.

How do you say hello in medieval times?

In medieval England, Hail fellow was a common greeting. By the 16th century this had morphed a bit into the more elaborate form “Hail fellow, well met.” “God save you” would also have been a conventional greeting.

What language did they speak in medieval times?

Three main languages were in use in England in the later medieval period – Middle English, Anglo-Norman (or French) and Latin. Authors made choices about which one to use, and often used more than one language in the same document.

What language did the Knights speak?


Why did Latin die out?

To oversimplify the matter, Latin began to die out in the 6th century shortly after the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. The fall of Rome precipitated the fragmentation of the empire, which allowed distinct local Latin dialects to develop, dialects which eventually transformed into the modern Romance languages.

What does the Lawbringer say in for honor?

Quotes. Latin: “Ad mortem, inimīcus!” – English: “To death, (my) enemy!” Latin: “Nōn superstites!” – English: “No survivors!” Latin: “Nōn effugere potes!” – English: “You cannot escape!”

Is Latin the original language?

Latin is one of the oldest classical languages that have survived through the winds of time. Like Sanskrit, Latin has also influenced numerous languages over the course of time. The earliest appearance of this language can be traced back to the days of the Roman Empire, which was formed around 75 BC.

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