How do you publish an article in Nature?

How do you publish an article in Nature?

The criteria for publication of scientific papers (Articles) in Nature are that they:

  1. report original scientific research (the main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere)
  2. are of outstanding scientific importance.
  3. reach a conclusion of interest to an interdisciplinary readership.

What are the major differences between the styles of the Carolingian manuscripts?

#2) What are the major differences between the styles of the Carolingian manuscripts, the Ebbo gospels, and the Ottonian gospels? Answer: The major differences were the symbols that were incorporated. Also the figures and the features presented in these. For example the Ottonian manuscripts showed tremendous intellect.

What are the example of manuscript?

The author’s copy of a book that the author has just turned in to the publisher is an example of a manuscript. Written by hand or with a typewriter, not printed. A version of a book, article, or other work before being published or prepared for publication. The author submitted the manuscript as a text file.

What you mean by manuscript?

1 : a written or typewritten composition or document as distinguished from a printed copy also : a document submitted for publication The library owns the author’s original manuscript. 2 : writing as opposed to print.

What is manuscript in short answer?

A manuscript is a handwritten composition on paper, bark, cloth, metal, palm leaf or any other material dating back at least seventy-five years that has significant scientific, historical or aesthetic value. Lithographs and printed volumes are not manuscripts. Manuscripts have knowledge content.

Why is it called a manuscript?

The noun manuscript evolved from the Latin manu scriptus, meaning “written by hand.” Manu is “hand” and scriptus is “to write.” It refers to old documents actually written by hand before books were made, but it can also refer to a writer’s unpublished work whether it’s handwritten or typed.

How do I write a manuscript?

Here’s what’s expected for a standard manuscript format.

  1. Use black, 12-point, Times New Roman as the font.
  2. Use the U.S. standard page size of 8.5×11 inches and set your margins to 1 inch on all sides.
  3. Set alignment to left justified.
  4. Use a single space after periods.
  5. Use double-spaced line spacing.
  6. Indent all paragraphs by .

What are manuscripts Class 6?

Manuscript were written by hands. these were usually written on palm leaves or on the specially prepared bark of a tree. Manuscripts are written recod of information written on paper during ancient period that re endangered and some are still preserved in museums and temples.

What is difference between inscription and manuscript?

Manuscript and Inscription are the sources of historical knowledge. The manuscript is a handwritten or a manually typewritten document, whereas inscription is the writings on relatively hard surfaces such as stone or metal.

Where did the manuscripts Keep Safe Class 6?

The oldest written manuscripts have been preserved by the perfect dryness of their Middle Eastern resting places, whether placed within sarcophagi in Egyptian tombs, or reused as mummy-wrappings, discarded in the middens of Oxyrhynchus or secreted for safe-keeping in jars and buried (Nag Hammadi library) or stored in …

What is the main difference between manuscript and record?

List one major difference between manuscripts and inscriptions. Answer: Manuscripts were usually written on palm leaf, or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas, while inscriptions were engraved either on a stone surface or on bricks or metals.

What do manuscripts tell us?

Manuscripts are handwritten records of information. Manuscripts can be in a form of scroll, barks of tress, pillars, etc. Manuscripts contains information about the actual and mythical events held. They helps us to understand the script that was used in the medieval period.

Where did the manuscripts keep safe?

Is inscription a literary source?

Answer. Archaeological and literary sources are the two important and main sources of history. The archaeological sources include material things like artifacts, buildings, inscriptions, coins etc while as literary sources include written literature in the form of books, biographies etc.

What are the two types of literary sources?

There are three kinds of literary sources namely religious, foreign and secular accounts. Literary sources remind us of our ancestor’s social, political, economic, cultural & religious activities.

What are the literary sources of knowing history?

Literary and Archaeological records are the two main categories that give evidences of Ancient Indian History. The literary source includes literature of Vedic, Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, and other literature along with other foreign accounts.

What are indigenous literary sources?

Indigenous sources are those available within the country describing various spheres like culture ,religion,administration etc. e.g Vedas etc. Where as the foreign literary sources are those historical accounts written by the foreign writers like Indika by Megasthenes.

What are the literary sources?

Literary sources are the data which is received in the written forms which describe the nature of the society of ancient times. Sources incorporate knowledge in impression, automated and visual compositions such as books, letters, journals, and investigation reports.

What are the literary sources of medieval period?

Answer. Answer: Literary sources of the medieval period include manuscripts; “stories, poems, biographies” of different rulers and folk tales that have passed from generation to generation. The sources composed by the historians in the courts of the kings give an insight in only the economic and military conditions.

What are the two main sources of medieval history?

Chief Sources of Medieval Indian History

  • Historical Accounts by scholars written on paper:
  • Historical Accounts by Foreign Travellers:
  • Literary Accounts:
  • Archaeological Sources:
  • A. Medieval Temples:
  • B. Medieval Mosques:
  • C. Medieval Forts:
  • D. Medieval Palaces:

What are the two sources of mediaeval history?

Literary Works of the Medieval and Archaeological Remains are the Sources of Medieval Indian History. The literary works of the medieval periods which include the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal Empire. Archaeological remains of Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire.

Why do you think that there were many literary sources of medieval period?

Answer: The number and variety of textual records increased dramatically during this period. They slowly displaced other types of available information. People used it to write holy texts, chronicles of rulers, letters and teachings of saints, petitions and judicial records, and for registers of accounts and taxes.

What are the literary sources of medieval India?

Important literary sources of medieval Indian history

  • These literary sources have been divided into two parts- Sultanate literature.
  • Sultanate literature – These literature provides information about the social, political, economic, religious policy of the era of history.
  • Utbee-
  • Firdausi –
  • Hassan Nizami –
  • Fakhr-e-Mudawwir-
  • Minhaj-ul-Siraj-
  • Alauddin Anamalik Jubilee-

Why do we have a large number of literary sources from the medieval period What do they include mention four important literary sources of this period?

Explanation: Mediaeval period was the time when muslims were the rulers of the sub-continent. at that time muslims were very advance in literature and studies and they have many libraries in Baghdad and other arabian areas. so when they came in India they started culture in india as well.

Why are there more literary sources for medieval India in comparison to the ancient period?

Answer: During the ancient period , people did not know much about literature and the art of writing. But in medieval period people started knowing the art of writing, hence they began to write about their lifestyle. Thus we have more literary sources of medieval period than ancient period.

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