
How do you read a literature review paper?

How do you read a literature review paper?

Reading the Literature

  1. Read, summarize or describe each article noting your findings and impressions.
  2. Examine each article for strengths and weaknesses and validity of findings.
  3. Is the author objective?
  4. Try to extract the unique concepts of the article that are central to a full understanding of the topic.

How do you find the literature review of a research paper?

Where to search when doing a literature review

  1. Start with research databases. Scopus and Web of Science are good databases to start with for any research topic and literature review.
  2. Focus your search with specific databases. Select two or three discipline/specialist databases to conduct your search for comprehensive results.
  3. Find books, theses and more.

How many papers do you read for a literature review?

Maybe – as a very rough and ready rule of thumb – 8-10 significant pieces (books and/or articles) for a 8,000 word dissertation, up to 20 major pieces of work for /b> words, and so on. But use your judgement! Skim through the books and articles identified as potentially relevant.

How do you analyze literature for a literature review?

You show your understanding by analysing and then synthesising the information to:

  • Determine what has already been written on a topic.
  • Provide an overview of key concepts.
  • Identify major relationships or patterns.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • Identify any gaps in the research.
  • Identify any conflicting evidence.

What should a literature review include?

The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a selected topic. Sources covered in the review may include scholarly journal articles, books, government reports, Web sites, etc. The literature review provides a description, summary and evaluation of each source.

What is a basic literature review?

Basic Literature Review—A written document that develops a case to establish a thesis. This review synthesizes current knowledge pertain- ing to the research question. Topic—A research area refined by interest, an academic discipline, and an understanding of relevant key works and core concepts.

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